Shot 5: The one with a heavy realisation...

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Notes: A short one to close this off... But I will definitely be revisiting Buck and Tommy (and Eddie of course) in future fics!!!

Shot 5: The one with a heavy realisation...

Buck wasn't sure how long he had been sat waiting on Tommy's doorstep. He checked his watch once or twice, but with his mind so clouded, he barely even registered the time. It felt like hours, and he chewed at the inside of his mouth, pulling out his phone occasionally, going through his messages with a tightened chest and thrumming heart.

Guilt gnawed at his stomach, and when Tommy finally pulled up at his house, looking more than a little confused, Buck hated himself for what was coming, for what he knew he had to do.

"Evan?" Tommy questioned, that gentle smile on his face that gave Buck butterflies. "I thought our date was tomorrow."

"It is," Buck answered, tripping over his words as he pushed up, rubbing his palms down his jeans, "was... er... I... We need to talk."

Tommy paused at that, looking Buck up and down as he took a breath and gave a small nod of his head. Buck moved to the side to give him room to unlock and open the front door, but, ever the gentleman, Tommy motioned for Buck to enter first.

"Can I get you a beer?" Tommy asked, once the door was closed behind them.

Buck shook his head, barely able to look Tommy in the eye, unsure of where to start or how to start. What was he supposed to say? He cursed himself, thinking of all the time he had had to prepare something, and now he was here, facing Tommy, completely unable to speak.

"It's about Eddie, isn't it?" Tommy's voice was gentle, void of any accusation.

Buck's eye shot up at that, meeting Tommy's. "I..." He swallowed hard, trying his best to put some order to his thoughts, and feelings for that matter. "I like you, Tommy. I really, really like you."

"But you've realised that what you feel for Eddie might be a little more than friendship?"

It was like he could see the cogs turning in Buck's mind, like he could read him perfectly without Buck even having to utter a word, but what was driving Buck mad was how there was no anger there. Tommy should have been furious with him. He should have been cussing Buck out and telling him to leave, but instead he stood there with an understanding look on his face and eyes filled with adoration.

"Honestly," Tommy continued, "I was kind of hoping it would take you longer before you figured it out."

"You knew?"

"Evan..." The name was drawn out, sing-song, said in the way that only Tommy could say it, making Buck turn to jelly every time. "How could I not? And I guess, there was a selfish part of me that hoped you wouldn't see it. I enjoy being with you."

"I'm sorry." Buck's gaze fell, his throat tightening, and Tommy took a step forward, closing the gap between them and placing his hand on Buck's arm.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"You wasted your time on me."

But Tommy shook his head. "It isn't a waste."

"Isn't?" Buck questioned, frowning as he looked at Tommy, trying to read him.

"I don't see why this has to change anything."

"It isn't fair on you..." Buck breathed out, shaking his head a little.

"I get it, Evan, I do. That's one of the things I like about you. You're always thinking about everyone else. But there's no need for this-" Tommy motioned between himself and Buck "-to stop."

"What are you saying?" Buck asked, slow and cautious.

"I'm not Eddie. I will never be Eddie, and I don't expect you to ever feel about me the way you feel about him. But it's not fair on you to put your happiness on hold for something that might never happen."

"Then what should I do?"

Tommy held out his arms, indicating his own presence. "I don't know about you, but this thing we've got going on, it seems pretty fun to me."

"And you're okay with that? Knowing that..." But Buck couldn't finish and swallowed the rest of the words.

"I'm a big boy," Tommy answered, a suggestive smile playing across his lips as he moved even closer still. "Though I do feel it only fair to warn you of one thing..."

"What's that?"

"If Eddie ever wakes up and sees what's in front of him, I can't promise I won't fight to keep you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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