Chapter 1

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S̸͕̮̺͓͔͕͉̩̾̓͛͛̈̋̿̏͠ê̸͙͛̽̀̽̚͜v̸̧̛͍̳̹͉͛̅͆̈͝ê̵̗̘͉̿̍̈́̉̄̚̚̚n̶̖͉̟͐͜t̵̳͚͕̞̘̾̒̍͌̀̂̾̐̋͜͠e̶̢̨̪̫̞̜̞̒en  y̶ẻ̶̡̡̨͉̘̈́͗̊̅̊̉͜͝ͅa̶̢̨̮̾̒̍̎͝ͅr̵s̴̹̥̔͑ ̵̨̛͕͖͕̥͚̻̓͋å̴̛͚͉̪̀̈g̶̈́̀o̷̫̦̱̭̰̲̲̤͋̓̈́̈́ͅ ̵̰̱͉̿̀̾͜

T̷̤̙̺̼̅͌͋̚h̷͚̩͉̣̄̄̉̈͠ī̷̛̈́̍́͒̀̂ȓ̶̡͎̈́̆́͘̕d̴̏̔͐ ̶̢̢͔̦͖̹̳̙͚̗̅p̵̋̅͆è̴͍͚͍̘̰̦̤̈́͜r̸̨̡̩̗͍̤̉̀̑͗̄̐̃̅̉̚ş̶̛̲͍̲̥̝̭̐̅̽̾͐̊͘͝o̵̱̎͌̂͊͒̆́̔ń̶̩͈̪̳͓͙̘ ̸̢̡̜͔̜̘͖̼̓̓̀͑̒͝P̶̈́́̍O̸̙̼̹͗̏V̶̩̱̔̆͝

Lucas and Sapphire awoke in the dead of night on the 6th December 2007 to a few hard loud knocks on their front door, they lived in a quiet safe neighbourhood the killings that were quite rampant on the news hadn't touched their town but it was still a fear that ran cold through their blood. Lucas stood from his bed as his wife pleaded with him to stay put "Don't worry love, I am just going to go check who it is, it could be anyone of our friends or family. Its not uncommon for your sister to turn up drunk banging on the door" this was true, Sapphires sister Rachel was known for her wild nights out and ending up at their door. Just in case this was an unwelcomed intruder Lucas slid a gun into the waist band of his pyjamas. He hurried down the stairs and swung the door open looking expectantly at... nothing. No one was there. He shrugged "kids" he muttered under his breathe ruffling his hair tiredly. He was half way closing the door when a small gurgling sound followed with a few excitable baby squeals came from his door step. Lucas looked down at his feet and saw a Bassinet with a small child no older than one bundled up in a navy blue blanket staring up at him with the brightest blue eyes the colour was a striking cobalt blue. There was a note folded neatly in her bassinet. Lucas called for his wife as he opened the letter and began to read. His Wife rushed down by his side and gasped when she saw the small child. "Oh. that poor little boy!" she exclaimed rest and hand over her mouth shock evident. She read the letter her husband was holding "Oh, Girl, She's a Baby girl" 

"Dear Lucas and Sapphire,

I am aware of your struggle to conceive a child; I am pleased to bless you with the opportunity to raise a child and hopefully put an end to your suffering. Please do take care of my little bundle of joy. She is far too important to me to have her brought up in the life I lead. On my little flowers 18th birthday, she may find her way back to me through her own means, I love my children dearly and I only wish for the best up bringing for the only soul who makes my heartbeat.

Be mindful, I am always watching. Make sure my daughter is brought up with the best of the best. Make sure she is well educated, well mannered and hold the poise of a princess that she is. She is royalty in my world which is why with a heavy heart I must send her away.

Should you complete the task of raising my baby girl, I will forever be indebted to you both.

Many thanks,


P.S her name is IRIS"

The Letter was sealed with a wax seal of the same "o" with an "x" through it. At the foot of the bassinet was another larger envelope that contained a whole wad of cash amounting up to £50,000.

Lucas and Sapphire welled up with tears reading the note unsure how to process what was happening, happy? They finally have a daughter. Sad? The poor little girl was left on the doorstep of a stranger. Scared? There was no doubt in the fact they were going to have eyes watching their every move. Lucas quickly regained composure and picked the small child up, holding her close to his chest "oh my poor little thing, you must be freezing and so confused. No matter you are safe now".  The little girl giggled blinking at her new parents reaching out a hand and placing it on Lucas' face "gada" the little girl babbled. 

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