Chapter 11

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With a baited breath Iris placed her hands over Jeff's. Jeff leaned forward bowing his head down to where their faces were just inches apart. The world around them blurred and all they could see was each other. "Jeff! Come play with me!" The pair blinked and pulled apart both flustered. Jeff stared down at the small girl with a Teddy bear in hand. "Not today sweetheart, go ask Jane" he smiled down at the young girl. Hiding the annoyance well. The girl looked between the two and her emerald green eyes widened "Oh! You two were going to do the kisses!" She squealed before running off. Iris laughed nervously "I uhm... I should go.. shower" Now she couldn't even look at him in the eyes. Jeff, however, was not a shy person "Yes. In a minute though princess" he smiled down at her gently placing his hands on her waist and pulling her in. She looked up at him her eyes shining a bright blue. The same they did the other night when she murdered that guy. Although this time it was a different emotion causing it. Jeff gently pressed his lips to her forehead. He couldn't bring himself to kiss her fully yet. With the kiss lingering he pulled away.

"That counts that totally counts!" Ben now announcing their presence all but yelled at the man claiming he had won the deal. The pair looked up at the two boys hanging over the bannister bickering no longer looking at Jeff and Iris. Jeff chuckled to himself before taking a knife out of his pocket and launching the weapon at the boys the knife stabbing into the bannister in between them. The boys, used to Jeff's antics, stopped arguing and looked down. "Thanks for the gift Jeff" E.j nodded pulling the knife out of the railing and tucked it away into his pocket. Jeff's jaw ticked as he glared at them. "You guys made a bet?" His voice was calm... too calm compared to the anger that radiated from him in waves. Iris was bewildered at the scene before her. "Jeff, the hallway isn't a private place so save your breath about the whole 'respect your privacy' bullshit"
E.j called down to him. Ben on the other hand was in fits of laughter he couldn't hold himself up as his body slouched against the railing for support. His laughs echoing throughout the house. His laugh must of been contagious because Jeff started laughing too....

Oh yeah. They were high. Iris used this moment to leave and make her way to the bedroom. "Damn this place is like a maze!" She spoke to herself as she was walking down corridors up stairs, down more corridors. Until she found herself completely and utterly lost. "Where the fuck am I?" She looked back at the hallways she just came down and it all looked the same. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" The walls started closing in on her as she spun around furiously looking for a way out. She started lashing out screaming kicked doors and walls. Her vision was starting to spot. She had a phobia of tight corridors or spaces.

Hearing the wracket outside of his bedroom a very tall man emerged out of his door and crouched down so he was level with the girl. "Now. Now. What hahah is all this fuss about~" he grinned at the girl. His nose was a pointed cone with a black and white swirl shaping it his teeth were sharp and pointed. He was dressed in a black and white stripped long sleeved top and black cargos which were held in place by suspenders. The clothes only extenuating his slim lanky figure. Iris stared up at him. She had not met him before. He was very clearly a clown. A terrifying one at that. She let out another scream.

Hearing her screams Jeff, Ben and Eyeless Jack all ran towards the noise. "I am lau-Hahaha-ghing Jack" the man nodded and extended a hand out long fingers with sharp talon like nails attached. "B..but you may ca-Hahaha- call me L.j. To sep-haha- separate me from E.j. Having two Jack's can be rather confusing" the clown couldn't help his laughter. It plagued him. Iris, still terrified glanced at his hand and back up at the man. "Iris. What are you doing here... my room is on the otherside of the mansion" Jeff. At the sound of his voice the girl leaped up and ran over to him wrapping her arms around the man as a sense of safety washed over her. Jeff wrapped one arm protectively around her and stared at L.j "This is slenders daughter. You won't cause her any harm." Jeff stated coldly. He was always weary of laughing Jack. He was the least stable of them all.  "No! No. I will never cause her harm. Ahahaha. Just wanted to be friends is all~" laughing Jack responded standing up he walked over to them he towered them all by a good half a foot. Ben the shortest of them all looked up at l.j and grinned. "Ah you're a softy really huh. Come, join us we are about to play a game in the main room with everyone else." He spoke as they all turned and started walking away. Iris was no longer attached to Jeff but he still had an arm around her shoulder. "We are?" Jeff question. He had not been informed about this. "Well yes. But Iris needs to shower and get ready first." Ben responded. Something wasn't quite right about this plan. Something Jeff couldn't place his finger on.

Laughing Jack followed behind the group. "I help?! I like games!" He clapped still laughing here and there.

In the living area Tobi, Clockwork, Masky and Hoodie were all at work pinning streamers and banners all around the room. Blowing balloons up and decorating with various other materials. Sally had made a huge banner that said "welkom Home Iris" the spelling was wrong and it was easily noticed that a child had done the banner but it was strung up on the centre wall hanging proudly.  Sally clapped her hands as she ran off. She had remembered she was playing a game of hide and seek with Charlie.

Slenderman's Daughter: (A Jeff the killer story)Where stories live. Discover now