Chapter 5

19 2 1

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TW - violence, mentions of child molestation and murder 

Summer break had finally begun. Iris had finally completed high school. She was sat in the sitting room with her parents, her birthday was tomorrow. She was nervous and excited all in one. "Dear, you turn 18 tomorrow!" her mother spoke tears welling in her eyes her voice was choked as she was fighting off the tears. For this was a day her and Lucas had been dreading since receiving her on the doorstep many years ago. 

The letter never explained much other than the importance of her 18th birthday and that she would find her true family. "oh my dear dear Iris. It feels as though it was just yesterday your father was awoken by the knock on the door to find you there. My beautiful girl, you will always be my baby. Remember that okay?" by now Sapphire was in floods of tears and Iris hand wrapped her arms around her tears threatening to spill from her own eyes "don't worry mum. You and dad will forever be my parents, if I do meet my true family who's to say I will want anything to do with them? they had abandoned me after all" her voice was soft as she reassured her mother although she couldn't help the gnawing feeling that she got whenever she told a lie from appearing. She didn't know what was in store for her but her gut had told her it was something big. 

The small family had decided to celebrate her birthday Today instead of waiting until her actual birthday as the fear of her father showing up and taking her back was lingering in the backs of Lucas' and Sapphires minds. They had cake, watched movies and went out for a lovely meal. Iris checked her phone and saw it was 11.30pm, close to midnight almost forgetting that she had a guest arriving to her bedroom window this evening she was almost to quick to head up the stairs to her bedroom not without giving both her parents a long hug and kiss on the cheek "goodnight, I love you both so so so much, I cant thank you enough for the amazing parents you have been to me for my whole life, no matter what happens tomorrow, I will always love you and I promise I will come back and visit often and I will keep in touch okay?" Iris quickly departed to her room closing the door behind her.

 As the tears finally flowed from her eyes she made her way over to her bed and hugged a pillow close to her chest crying into it. She had left the window open to let the cool air into her room. She didn't realise that Jeff was already present in her room until he made him self announced "I'm sorry Princess" he spoke softly making his way over to her sitting on the bed next to her. Too sad and in her own emotions to care she leaned into him crying harder " i..its just so hard... they have been there... for me... a...and who knows what's going to happen the morn..ning" the girl sobbed and Jeff wrapped an arm around her stroking her back soothingly. He knew exactly what would happen. he knew the second the clock struck midnight... 

Iris suddenly stopped crying, her face morphing into a smile one that spoke insanity. "I'm 18" she said, not even looking at the time she knew it was midnight. The rush fell through her as she felt something inside her mind change. She cocked her head to the side and looked at Jeff staring into his eyes, She licked her lips he thoughts clouded as the thirst for blood to be spilled blurred through her mind "hmm Mhm! yes! ooh bad iris mhm" she muttered as she silently reached for the pair of scissors she had on her dresser "Oh Jeff, tsk tsk tsk. You knew this would happen. Didn't you? yes you did yes you did" the girl laughed. 

Her parents next door heard her talking and heard her laugh they rushed through into the room. Iris bolted into a standing position "Hello mother, father" she acknowledged them coldly "such warm warm people with warm warm blood!" the girl giggled again twirling the scissors in her hand she tilted her head to the side as her parents stared at her in horror not knowing what has over come their little girl. Jeff silently stood behind her she was unaware that he had moved. "Iris, love, what is going on? whats Wrong?" her father had asked reaching into his pocket "oh daddy cant you see?!" she grinned at him her unnaturally blue eyes seemed to glow brighter but no emotion shone behind them. She was broken. Her mind had snapped. Her eyes snapped to her father reaching for his Pocket "oh no daddy that wont do. bad daddy bad bad bad!" she lunged forward scissors positioned at her fathers neck while her mother gasped in horror and let out a blood curdling scream. Before the scissors made contact with Lucas' neck Jeff grabbed the girl pulling her close to his chest. "Now, Now princess, that's no way to treat your famil- fuck it who am I to speak on family" he chuckled "my apologies, she is going through her uh... transition, I had better take her out before she hurts one of you. I will take her to my home, Her father is expecting to meet her" Jeff spoke to the frightened middle aged couple while holding a firm grip on the girl thrashing in his arms not flinching when she raises the scissors up and slamming them down on his arms repeatedly. Wailing "LET GO OF ME" Jeff nodded at the couple and swung the still thrashing girl over his shoulder jumping out the window and sprinted off into the night. 

"We seriously need to get you a new weapon princess, those scissors simple will not cut it.. get it" Jeff chuckled at his own joke. being far away from the house that held all of her memories the girl seemed to calm down a bit and her sanity slipping back into place ever so slightly "oh my! I tried to kill my parents? Jeff! I'm not a... a..killer? what is happening to me" the girl broke down sobbing for the second time in an hour the extreme rush of emotions and lack there of really wearing down on her. The girl was both exhausted but filled with the overwhelming urge to take  a life. She couldn't stop fidgeting. "We are here" Jeff spoke she hadn't a clue where they were or how long Jeff had been running for. 

He put her down and pointed to a house, it was a dark looking run down house. "go, have your fun, I will come with you to make sure you manage okay" he lit a cigarette his sleeves had small patches of blood on them from where Iris had cut him with the scissors. She hadn't done to much damage to be fair the thickness of the jumper took most of the blow, Jeff knew he would be left with nothing but a scratch. "The guy in there, he uh, Hurts children... kidnaps them and well... you know the rest" his voice echoed into the quietness of the neighbourhood as he led Iris to the door he cracked the door open and chuckled under his breathe "dumbass didn't even lock the damn door" They both entered the house the pungent smell of alcohol and rotten food surrounded the air around them. "now, don't freak out princess" Jeff teased knowing that freaking out is the last thing she would do, he was deflecting however, as he didn't know how she would react to seeing his true form. 

𝐼𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒶 𝓋𝑜𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒹𝓇𝑜𝓅 𝒶 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉.

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