Chapter 10

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Breakfast was coming to an end as everyone started filing out of the dining room, taking their plates to the kitchen and loading them into the many dishwashers.  Iris and Jeff followed behind Ben and Toby putting their dishes away. "so, what usually happens now?" Iris questioned out loud. "Oh well, we just do whatever we want. Unless Slender assigns a mission to you."  Ben answered Hopping up onto the counter. "I usually play video games and spook a few children, you know to keep the fear alive" He took something out of his pocket and the smell hit her before Iris could see what it was. Weed. He took out a lighter and placed the joint to his lips before he could even spark the lighter to life Slenderman appeared. "Ben. I told you these activities take place in your bedroom or outside, somewhere where Sally can't see you" He scolded but projected his voice into everyone mind who was in the kitchen. " Respect the rules of this house child and be mindful that there are youngerlings around." With the statement coming to an end he disappeared before Ben had the chance to reply. 

Ben hopped off the counter and sighed. "Jeff, you joining?" He smirked and started walking slowly in the direction of the stairs.  Jeff looked at Iris "D'ya mind? you can join if you'd like" He smiled down at her. "Of course, you don't need my permission Jeff."  she laughed lightly. "I think I'm going to go for a run around the clearing, it feels like ages since I've been on one" On that note Jeff smiled at her again and walked away catching up with Ben as they walked to his room. 

Ben's room was basically a mini arcade with a bed and a wardrobe. All different types of gaming consoles a Pc with multiple monitors. That was after all his "power" The two boys sat down on the beanbags as Ben loaded up his Nintendo64 and loaded up Zelda. He once again took the joint out of his pocket along with the lighter and sparked it up taking a few hits before passing it across to Jeff. "So, Iris?" Ben asked, the question open for interpretation. "Yeah? what about her?" Jeff responded not quite sure what the blonde boy was asking. "Are you into her? I mean she is hot, and I've seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you." He stated. "I don't know man, it's weird. She's lovely and adorable, but I'm a monster. I don't deserve her she is too pure." Jesus this weed was strong it was already starting to take affect after a few hits. Or maybe his tolerance had just gone down? who knows. Either way it was making him open up a lot easier. "Nah man, we are all the same. why do you think Slendy took us all in under his wing. Lost kids with no where to go terrified of our own minds and what we were capable of, almost or nearly dead. Think of Sally, If it wasn't for Slendy finding her in the woods she would of been a goner. He saved us because he saw something in us that no one else sees. We get rid of the vermin the humans fail to protect themselves against. of course we have our own fun when things get a little bit to out of control. That's just collateral damage though. Or a little fun" Ben said cheerly patting Jeff's shoulder taking the joint back and taking a few more hits. 

A couple of hours had past and Jeff finally looked at his phone, he hadn't realised how long it had been since he was just having a nice time chatting to Ben. "Shit. It's past lunch time. Iris might be hungry. Or she will definitely be bored, Or lost!" Jeff exclaimed his worry growing by the second as he rushed to stand up. The high making his vision a little hazy and legs feel like jelly. Once he had found solid footing he walked out the room making his way around the huge mansion looking for the girl. He bumped into Clockwork in the hallway and decided to ask her if she had seen Iris. " Hmm, I think she was last seen outside, said something to Tobi about going for a run?" the girl skipped away humming a tune to herself. Jeff walked down the stairs. 

Iris felt alive, the blood pumping through her body as she finished her last lap and ran back to the mansion, it had started raining pretty heavy so her clothes were soaked through. She didn't feel cold though. She entered the building and saw Jeff on the stairs his eyes Scanning the whole foyer until the settled on her. Even from the distance they were standing she could see the red tint to his eyes as he walked slowly - In his mind he was walking rather quickly - to her he examined her head to toe "are you alright? you must be freezing! you're gonna catch a cold" He pulled the hoodie she was wearing off and took the one he was wearing off putting his one on her instead. "There, warm now" he smiled at her. Iris couldn't help but giggle at him. His movements of removing both of their hoodies was very sloppy and awkward, not smooth at all. But the sentiment was there and she couldn't deny the feeling that warmed her heart. The action alone brought a blush to her cheeks, she was glad they were already flushed from the exercise she had just done. "Thank you" She smiled back at him their eye contact unwavering. It wasn't uncomfortable though. Silence surrounded them as neither one of them spoke again. Jeff's hands were still on her hips from where he had pulled the jumper down. The air grew thick as the tension between them built. Who was going to break first. No one faltered.  

Ben  and E.J Stood on top of the staircase leaning over the banister watching the scene unfold between them. "£50 they kiss" Ben whispered. "You're on, I think someone will interrupt them" the man in the blue mask responded taking a bite out of a kidney which he held in a zip lock bag. "That's fucking gross" Ben grimaced turning his nose up at the "food" his friend was happily munching away at. Their voices were low so they wouldn't be heard as they kept spying on the two standing in the entrance to the doorway.  

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