13. 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 {𝘉𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘱𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩}

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Grace stood waiting for Nick as he got off of the lift and looked to him and smiled. She stood at the hospital as they were called to a case

"Hey" he said as she smiled

"Ruby Mesner, five.  The school nurse found bruising on her torso and swelling on her hip.Doctor says she has a cracked rib that was suffered within the last 12 hours.And some other marks.There's the mother.Father's en route from Hartford." Grace said

"I'll take mom, you got the little girl." Nick said as Grace nodded


"So can you tell me what happened, Ruby?" Grace asked the small girl

"I fell."

"You fell?Okay, were you alone when you fell?" Grace asked as she shock he'd head

"Can you tell me who you were with, sweetie?"

"The Monster."

"A monster?What did the monster do?"

"The Monster pushed me.And then The Monster told me to shut up!"

Grace joined Nick as he sat questioning the mother

"Mrs. Mesner.I'm detective Benson.Uh, Ruby's in with the doctor.She's okay." Grace said as she sat next to Nick

"Did she tell you what happened?"

"I was wondering if you could." Grace said

"No.She was fine when I left."

"Mrs. Mesner, you said Henry didn't want the nanny taking him to school." Nick said

"Right. Irina's new.She started in November.And he wanted mommy."

"Have you had any problems with her?" Grace asked

"Um, there's been some miscommunication about hours.And, you know, I should tell-- she's illegal."

"Okay, well, we're gonna need to speak with her.Is she at your home?" Grace asked

"No, after drop-off she works for another family in the building."

"Okay. Ruby's very sweet."


"Have you noticed any behavioral changes lately?" Grace asked

"No.Ruby's my easy one."

"Any nightmares, any bed-wetting?" Grace asked

"Um, w-well, ac--Irina did tell me she's had a couple of accidents, but that happens.Can I take her now?She has her piano lesson and Henry has swim class."

"No. You're gonna need to cancel her piano lesson.And we'll send someone to bring Henry here." Grace said


"Ruby Mesner, five, presented with severe bruising on her torso and a cracked rib.She told me that a monster pushed her down the stairs." Grace said as she got back to the precinct

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