16. "𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦?"

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Grace lay in bed next to Nick. She knew that she couldn't sleep. All of it was too much. She rolled over in bed "I know that your awake" Nick said as she turned to face him and sighed

"How am I meant to sleep knowing that he is out there. What if he gets me. He threatened to kill me once he got send down. He said he was going to shoot me with my gun and all I feel is sick. I can't go through this again nick. I can't go through all the trauma and all the abuse. The mental abuse it did to me. It took me so long to move on from what he did and love myself again and I thank Rafael for that. Yeah it was just sex between us but he helped me become me again I can't do this" Grace said as she started to cry

Nick looked to her and frowned. He knew how he wanted to protect Grace and do his best for her. He knew he'd always do what he could to keep her safe and it mare him angry how powerless he felt

"I know it's a lot. But I have got you I am not going to let anyone hurt you. I know what he did but look at where you are now. I will stead protect you okay" he said as she looked to hun and nodded. She knew how afraid that she was and how she didn't know what to think. All that she knew was that she felt fear

Nick pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head as he held her close. He ran his hand through her hair as he held her close. He knew that he'd do all that he could to keep Grace safe

Grace got to work. She had fallen asleep in nicks arms but she had hardly slept. She knew that she was on edge. She didn't know where he was and she knew that she was scared that her ex could be watching her

Grace sat at her desk and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair as she looked to add Addie as she asked over to her and smiled "I wanted to see if you were okay. Your my family and my best friend and Rafi is" she said as Grace looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Rafi huh what is going on with the two of you" Grace asked as Addie looked to her

"Nothing beside this is about me not you"

"Oh please I could use the distraction of what is going on in my life. I don't even want to talk over what is going on in my life right now" Grace said as Addie looked to her and smiled

"You know that you will be okay don't you. I know what has happened and I know how scared that you are but it will be okay" Addie said as Grace glanced around

"Had anyone seen nick?" Grace asked realising she hadn't seen her boyfriend

Nick walked down the street as he saw him. The man that had cussed Grace all the trauma. He knew his he wanted to arrest him and bring him back in but he couldn't do it like this

"Excuse me" Nick said

"Do I know you?" He asked as Nick punched him

"Listen to me. You stay away from Grace" Nick said knowing him to the ground as he went to walk off leaving him lying on the found

"You the boyfriend? Huh? She's not half bad once you get past the used part . The damage I did to her" he said as nick looked to him and glared as he walked off

Grace stood in the precinct as she stood scanning a suspect in

"Okay, left hand." Grace said

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