15. 𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘴 {𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥}

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Grace woke up in bed and frowned as she realised that Nick wasn't there. She sat up and looked to see the empty bed. She looked to see the empty clothes that lay across the floor. She remembered how she and Nick had sex and how great it was. She knew it had gotten rough

She slipped on his shirt and fastened a few buttons as she stood from the bed. "Oh fuck" she said as she felt her legs going to jelly for a second before she stood up and walked into the kitchen. She looked to see Nick and smiled as she looked to him. He stood in a pair of Joggers and a vest top

He saw her standing in the doorway and looked to her "hey your awake. I made you coffee do you want some" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I think I need some after last night" she said as he handed her a cup. She frowned as she saw the scratches on his back

"Did I do that? I'm sorry I got carried away" she said as he turned to face her and smirked

"Don't be. It was with it trust me. Besides how are your legs" he asked as he lifted her up so that she was sitting on the breakfast bar and smirked

"Oh it was totally worth it" she said as he smirked

"Good" he said as he kissed her. He started to kiss down her neck as she moaned. he ran his hands between her legs.

"I love the face I know that your completely naked under my shirt which you looks so good in" he said

he pushed one finger inside of her and began pumping it in and out languidly.  Grace moaned in pleasure as she gripped the side of the bar with one hand and his shoulder with her other one

Grace  gasped, throwing her head back even further her hands sought purchase in his hair. She tugged on the short strands, His lips lingered over hers as he leant in and kissed her.He groaned into her, the sound reverberating through her body. slipping another finger inside of her. Grace could feel herself get closer

"You feel so good wrapped around my fingers, princessa So tight and wet." He started to speed up, crooking his fingers and finding her sweet spot right away.

His words and his fingers were too much. The coil in her belly started to tighten and she were gasping for breath. She couldn't speak, couldn't think—all she could do was let out tiny, broken moans and focus on how good Nick was making her feel. She didn't think that he ever made feel this good before

"You're close, Gracie, I can feel it. Can feel the way your tightening up. Come for me, Gracie. Come for me, let me feel it, let me see it." He said as she felt her walls clench around his fingers

He pulled out of her as she let out a groan. He licked the juices off his fingers and smirked

"You have no idea how good you taste" he said as she smirked

She grabbed his neck and crashed her lips to his as her phone rang off the side

"Your fucking kidding me" Grace said as she grabbed her phone

"Benson" Grace said as Nick stood his hands were gripped on her thighs aa he kissed down her beck and down to her great where he had undone her skirt as he kissed her breasts and took her nipple in her mouth

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