Jail house

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Everyone was helping clear out the prison yard, once  it was cleared everyone started getting ready to settle down for the night. Rick and Hershel were talking about how they could build this place up before Rick decided to walk around and make sure it was safe. You couldn't help but think that maybe it was to over ran, or maybe it could keep the walkers away but not forever, how long would it last, could finally let yourself relax a bit. You sat in though looking around the big open field. How long until the luck runs out.
You looked over to see Daryl watching the gate. You got to your feet and walked over to him with a smile. "Hey," you said making him look to you. You smiled looking around before looking back to him. "I'd dare to say I think this is a score."

"Yeah," he said looking around.

You sighed looking at the ground for a moment before speaking again, "do you think we all could make this a home?" You looked up to see he had looked down for a moment before looking at you. You knew if anyone's in put could convince you, it would be his. He's smart, knows how to survive as if he was born for this world, that much you have gathered over time when jumping from place to place with the group.

He gave you a quick small half smile, "I think we could." You couldn't help but smile at his words sitting down on the ground as he stood next to you looking down at you.

"Can I ask you something?" You asked him fidgeting with the grass.

He sat next down next to you, "shoot," he said in a raspy low voice.

You looked up looking at the others in the distance, the way they all laughed, celebrating the victory they had won. "Do you think me and mom could be part of this group?" You asked looking to him.

He had his hand up towards his mouth, his thumb gently pressing against his lips for a split moment before looking at you, "I thought you were already one of us?" He said softly. You didn't say anything in return, hoping everyone else thought the same. You didn't want to be kicked to the curb, you didn't want to lose the friends you have made, didn't want to have to survive on your own. You knew your mother wouldn't make it out there, freezing up when she sees a walker. The two of you sat in silence for a while. "Do you wanna be?" Daryl asked you.

You have recently found it easier to talk to him but sometimes the silence took over but you still enjoyed hearing his input, ideas, thoughts, even if he's not always in the sharing mood or when he seems cold. "I'd love to be, I don't want to go out there and not be able to protect mom, I don't wanna die out there alone either," you said softly. "This group is special and I wanna be part of it," you said as a smiled couldn't help but show itself across your lips.

"Then be apart of it," he said making your look to him. He didn't really seem to care about anything but his actions and words made you and everyone else know how much he actually cares for the group, his friends.

You stood to your feet feeling ready to take on the world, "I want to pull my weight as much as possible," you said confidently looking down at him. "I'm gonna be a valuable member to the group."


Part of the prison quickly became the groups, clearing out cell blocks. Everyone was finally able to relax and catch their breath, you had been sitting at a table talking to Beth when Daryl approached you looking like he was getting ready to go somewhere. "Hey," he said making you and Beth both look at him. "We are gonna go on a run, you wanna come?" He asked looking at you.

You simply nodded standing up with him saying bye to Beth before going and getting ready. Daryl, T-Dog, and you hopped into a car leaving the prison behind. Daryl had informed you that they were leaving hoping to find food or anything that could help, inviting you so you could 'pull your weight.'

Daryl drove as you sat in the passenger seat, T-Dog in the back. The ride was somewhat silent only talking when discussing the plan on finding anything useful. You couldn't help but look out the window watching the trees pass by.

"There," you heard T-Dog say pointing to a small market. Daryl turned into the parking lot and stopped the car. The three of you went in quietly checking every place and putting down a few walkers. You jumped behind the counter where a few things of meds were quickly grabbing what sounded useful such as ibuprofen, naproxen, Advil. There were only a few. As you went to turn back around something grabbed your foot making you hit the ground With a yelp.

A walker at your feet pulling you as it tries to get close enough to feast. You took your free foot and started kicking at its head to try and keep it at bay as you grabbed your knife frantically, quickly raising up and stabbing it in the head. You took a breath of relief getting to your feet looking over. Daryl and T-Dog on the other side of the counter their weapons in hand. "You good?" Daryl asked looking you up and down.

You had the biggest grin on your face. This was the first time you took down a walker without being panicked able to fight it off and kill it by yourself. "Yep," you simply said jumping back over the counter as the two watched you walk away as happy as you could be at your achievement.

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