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⚠️ this chapter has sexual themes in it, proceed with caution. ⚠️

The two of you made it back to the prison with four cans of food and one bottle of ibuprofen. You got off his motorcycle taking the goods into the prison to put them away. As you did so you couldn't help but keep a big smile on your face. "Y/n," you heard your mom behind you.

You turned to see her and your sister standing there, your sister with her arms crossed as if she was pissed. "What?" You asked letting your smile drop a little but not completely.

"Betty told me you embarrassed her today outside, because of a boy," she said sounding a bit angry.

"She did mom, she knew I liked him and proceeded to make a move on him," Betty reinforced her statement.

"No I didn't, she embarrassed herself," you corrected.

As they proceeded to fight with you Maggie came over wondering what was going on. You caught her up on the accusations your mom and sister were throwing at you. Maggie simply looked at them as if they were stupid. "That's not true," was all she said before grabbing your hand and dragging you away from that situation, a life saver. "So, you and Daryl?" She smiled.

You tried hiding your smile but couldn't. "We kissed," you blurted out to her in a whisper.

She showed you her ring from Glenn and the two of you showed excitement for each other at the achievements the two of you had over came. Men. She went serous for a moment and started speaking, "just ignore them, don't even go around them unless you have to, they'll only cause problems." You nodded at her words not saying anything else.

Time went on and eventually you stopped having problems with your sister but your mother still acted like you were the problem. You picked up a small job within the prison taking care of all the orphans. You couldn't help but want to adopt them all. Dinner time rolled around and you were passing out plates to all the kids. "What's this?" You heard turning around to see Daryl.

You smiled real big walking over to him. "My kids," you said proudly but jokingly.

He gave you a confused look as if he couldn't believe it, "cute but no," he said softly watching the kids as they ate. "You can't take care of them all."

You looked at him with a big grin, "I take care of you, and your a lot to handle," you giggled.

He looked at you with a scuff, "as if," he said.

You couldn't help but lean up and give him a kiss, which he didn't reject. "EW!! Mr. Dixon and Ms. L/n are kissing!" One kid screamed making you feel a little embarrassed as all the others said ew collectively.

"Still want them all?" Daryl leaned over asking. You gave him a gentle push.

Over the time at the prison and the time you and Daryl grew closer together You started staying in his room. He stayed in the police control room above the cells, you took it upon yourself to grab extra blankets and sheets and put them over the windows. You got down and changed into something more comfortable sitting on the bed. You got out your activity book which had cross word puzzles and began working on it to pass the time.

Daryl walked in with a bowl of food offering it to you, which you gladly excepted. "You weren't at dinner so I grabbed some for you," he explained.

"Thank you," you said softly beginning to eat.

Daryl took off his shoes sitting next to you, a rule you had to enforce due to the fact he would just sleep with them on as if he always had to be ready. As you ate you gave him your puzzle book letting him do some of it.
Darkness overcame the prison you turning on a lantern as you and him sat on the bed backs against the wall. Getting tired you got up and began brushing your hair to get ready for bed. Daryl stood up getting behind you putting his hands on your hips.

He nuzzled into your neck, you couldn't help but smile at how cute he was acting all of the sudden. You then began blushing as you felt him gently nibble on your neck. You didn't say a word just tilting your head to the side allowing him more access.
His grasp on your hips got tighter as he pulled you as close as possible to him, making his way from your neck to ear. Gently biting your ear lobe, one of his hands made their way around you; holding you. His other hand began traveling down and you couldn't help but arch your back a little as his hand made it to its destination earning a small gasp from you.

His kisses and bites got more and more intense as his hand proceeded to explore your vagina. "D-Daryl," you stuttered out. He simply hummed letting you know he was listening but proceeded doing what he was doing. You once again said his name wiggling a bit making him pause letting you take a breath. You turned to him breathing slightly harder. He didn't say a word but just watched you, you took his jacket and shirt off kissing his neck and traveling down his body. His breath became uneven as his hand rested in your hair, you unbuckle his belt and took the rest of his clothes off. Before you could do anything else he bent down and picked his you up throwing you onto the bed removing your clothing.

He didn't waist a single second getting on top of  you. Starting at your lips, to your neck, then to your breast. Your hands on his shoulder letting out soft moans. As soon as he got down far enough he put your legs on his shoulder moving back making you gasp out in pleasure as you felt him slide into you. You arched your back, letting your head tilt back slightly, hands grasping at the bed below you as he started thrusting faster.

The night was filled with passion.

The two of you now laid on the bed, your head on his chest as he let his hand play with your hair. "I'm going on a run tomorrow," Daryl spoke softly making you look up at him.

"Why?" You asked making your heart sink a little at the thought of him out there, you knew he was built for this world but you couldn't help but worry just a little bit. "We're doing perfectly fine."

His fingers kept twirling in your hair, "there's a spot we wanted to take a look at, we're taking a group out there tomorrow to do a quick sweep," he explained looking you in your eyes.

"Please be careful," you spoke softly. He simply nodded. You nuzzled back into his chest. Letting your eyes flutter shut.

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