Chapter 1

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"Lily, hurry up! We need to leave in a few minutes!" My brother yelled up the stairs. I didn't know why he was in such a rush, our flight to London left in 4 more hours. I get that he's the Niall Horan of One Direction and we had to avoid the fans and paparazzi but still, I don't think they are that dedicated,

"I'll be down in a second!" I yelled back down to him. I had just finished tying my black vans and putting on my black sweatshirt. I slipped my backpack on and threw my camera bag over my shoulder. I grabbed the big suitcase that sat in the corner of my room and ran down the stairs.

"Is that all you're bringing? We're going to be on tour for 10 months." Niall asked, looking at my suitcase and backpack. I nodded in response and he sighed.

"Have fun you two!" Our dad yelled from the kitchen, messing around in there.

"We will, bye dad!" I yelled back, walking out the front door that Niall was holding open for me.

A black limo sat in the street, which caught a lot of attention from the neighbors. It's not everyday that your neighbor is famous so I understood their nosiness. The trunk popped open and Niall helped me load my stuff in before he started loading his bags in. I slipped into the car and sat on the leather seats. That's my favorite part of the airport trip, the comfy seats and feeling like your royalty in a limo.

"Hey Lily." The boys' manager, Paul said. I could tell he was mentally preparing for 5 rowdy boys by his face. All of the boys decided to stay in Mullingar until the tour started since they finished an interview a couple days ago.

I greeted him and turned to look out the window. It was always sad to leave home for the long periods of time but it was fun once things started to get going.

Niall hopped in the car and sat next to me. A big grin landed on his face when he saw Paul.

"I didn't know you flew in! I thought you were meeting us in London." He smiled.

"Change of plans I guess." He smiled back at Niall before telling the limo driver they were ready to drive off.

The drive to the boys' hotel was nice. I got to listen to some Justin Timberlake before we got there. Once we did we were able to spot the boys really easily. They all threw their stuff in the trunk and filed into the limo. Their faces all lit up when they saw Paul then me.

I managed to take a picture of them all bombarding Paul. It was nice to be back with them. They were like my second family and I really enjoyed spending time with them all.

"What's up, Lily." Louis smiled. He was my favorite out of all of them, well besides my brother of course. Me and him got along best and we got up to the most mischief together.

"Hey Lou. Who's opening for us on this tour?" I asked, making mental notes on who I should start listening to next and getting ready to photograph.

"Well, we have 5 Seconds of Summer with us again this year," He paused, remembering I wasn't there last tour.

"They're all close to your age so I think you'd get along well with them." He added. This made me a little bit more excited about the tour. I would probably have more in common with all of them which relieved me. I always felt a little left out with the other boys since they all were grouped together so I never really had anyone my age.

"They are really fun to hangout with. Though last year was a bit of a struggle since they hadn't put out any songs last year, but they released an EP and they're releasing their first album in June I think." He said, trying to focus on the boy's conversation.

I nodded my head, they seemed interesting and I'll admit I was really excited to meet them. I opened YouTube and searched for the name of the channel and I found it. I turned on some of the covers with the four boys as a whole and their EP. They were all cute but I especially liked Luke, he was the one with the lip ring and I loved his voice. I watched their little video diaries and intros.

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