Chapter 2

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The loud thud sounded like it shook the whole building, which it didn't, but it did in fact wake me up.

"Oh my god." I groaned. It was too early for these shenanigans and I was not for it. I took this as a sign for me to wake up and I rolled out of bed. I grabbed out my outfit for the day which consisted of a comfy pair of black pajama pants, an oversized Green Day shirt, and my black vans which I probably wouldn't wear today.

I stepped into the bathroom to take a shower and that shower felt like the best one of my life. Everything was so fancy in the bathroom and it made me feel like someone important.

When I finished in the shower, I brushed my teeth and did a little bit of makeup. Today was a lazy day so I didn't want to do a lot.

I threw my silky blonde hair up into a tight ponytail and got dressed. I poked my head out of my door to be greeted with the boys all gathered around something and I felt like I didn't want to know what it was.

I stepped out of my room and closed the door, which alarmed Calum, he turned his head in my direction and his eyes grew wide.

"Oh shit." He muttered.

Everyone else's heads turned in my direction and their eyes grew wide.

I walked over to the group and pushed my way through, going to see what they did. The tv laid on the ground with a decent sized impact on it. I sighed. I don't know what I expected honestly, on every tour someone breaks something so I wasn't really surprised.

"Lily, please don't tell Paul." Harry pleaded.

"I won't, but how are you guys getting out of this one?" I asked, pushing my way through to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets and looked through the fridge. The food delivery from Paul hadn't arrived yet so I was on my own for food. The boys had stayed huddled around the table and tried to come up with a plan.

I always liked to hear their plans that always failed in the end. It was funny to watch them all scramble around trying to get whatever they needed.

"I'm going to get some breakfast, just text me what you guys need." I said, slipping my shoes on and opening the door. I walked down the hallway to find a private breakfast bar. I didn't get the text from my brother of their orders so I sat and waited.

"Hey, Lily, right?" A familiar voice asked, I looked over and saw it was Luke.

"Yeah," I replied, a small smile creeping on my face. ", shouldn't you be with the other guys trying to figure out what to do about the tv?"

"I wasn't there when it happened. I showed up in the aftermath, plus you'll probably need help. You're getting food for 10 people, including yourself." He said, sitting next to me.

He was even cuter up close, but I couldn't have a crush on him. It never works out in the end, trust me. The boys' old secretary hooked up with one of the openers last time and it did not go well, but I couldn't help it. The way his hair swooped, his light blue eyes that when they hit the light right, looked like they were glowing. He kept playing with his lip ring and it was really cute.

My phone dinged with a text from my brother with all the orders.

"Is that your brother?" He asked and I nodded. I stood up and Luke followed. We started on what felt like the million waffles they wanted.

"Are you excited to be on tour with your brother?" He asked.

"Yeah, I get to spend time with him and I get more experience with my photography," I said. He looked interested when I said photography.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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