Jack's POV

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Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Astrid, Kristoff, Eugene, Hiccup, and I were all sitting outside near the firepit when I noticed something was off about Elsa. Her eyes were half-closed and she was breathing heavily.

"Elle? Elsa? Are you okay?" I asked. I had one arm around her to keep her from slumping over.

"Of course, I'm okay, Jackie Wackie. I'm with you!" Elsa said, giggling and moving her head as if it were too heavy for her neck to support. Not only was the head thing weird but what she had called me was very strange. No one's ever called me Jackie Wackie and I was kind of hoping no one ever would. "Did I mention that I really really really really love you?"

"Oh, thanks. I really really really really love you too, but are you sure you're feeling okay?" I asked, starting to get really concerned. She hadn't drunk that much tonight, just maybe two solo cups of the spiked punch and one beer since she had arrived around 8 pm. Then it hit me.

I grabbed Elsa's most recent solo cup and dumped out the contents on the ground. That's when I saw two partially dissolved sleeping pills. Someone had put them in Elsa's drink. "Oh god no." I muttered, remembering that she had left her drink on the table when she went to the bathroom. I was going to watch it for her but I got distracted and thinking about it made me feel awful.

"Elsa, listen to me. You're under the influence of sleeping medication. I need you to tell me exactly what you are feeling." I said. At this point, all of our friends were trying to help out in any way they could.

* Please note if you are ever in this situation, call 911 rather than try to fix it yourselves. It's better to let licensed people deal with it. This is just for the storyline so please stay safe out there. Now back to the story *

"I f-feel like I'm gonna throw up." Elsa managed and started gagging. I immediately got her up off the couch and over to the nearby bushes for some privacy. I held back her hair while she puked. After a few minutes, she had finished barfing. I helped her back to the couch and she rested her head on my shoulder. Our friends had brought her an unopened bottle of water and some napkins to help clean Elsa up a little bit and give her something to drink.

"Hey, guys, you might wanna bring her upstairs. She doesn't look like she's going anywhere anytime soon." Astrid said.

"Yeah, I agree. She can stay in my room. I don't have any roommates so we wouldn't have to worry about that." I offered.

"That sounds great, but I don't want to leave my sister," Anna said.

"Well, y'all can stay here, you're definitely not going to be the only girls spending the night tonight." Kristoff offered, gesturing to a group of girls who were flirting with some guys.

"That would be great. Thanks." Anna said, hugging her boyfriend. By now Elsa was asleep so I decided to carry her upstairs. Hiccup helped me open the door to my room and ease Elsa down onto the bed.

"Thanks, man," I said to Hiccup.

"'Course. What friends are for." Hiccup said before heading out the door. "Astrid and I are just across the hall if you or Elsa need anything." I closed the door and sighed feeling even worse that I didn't watch her drink.

I grabbed a blue hoodie from my closet and put it on Elsa. I grabbed an extra pillow and blanket from my closet and set it on the ground next to the bed. I helped Elsa get under the covers of the bed before kissing her forehead and saying goodnight. I was about to lie down on the floor when Elsa woke up slightly. "Hey, Jack?"

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked.

"Can you stay with me?" Elsa asked, quietly.

"Like with you, in the bed with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, if that's okay," Elsa said.

"Of course," I said, getting into the bed with her. She turned over towards me and cuddled closer.

"Thanks, Jack. I don't remember a lot of what happened but I did mean it when I said that I love you." Elsa mumbled.

"I love you too, Elle," I said, putting my arm around her before I drifted off to sleep.

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