Chapter 34: The Beast Titan

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The walls stood for a century as a bastion of peace and security. Gone was the terror of living at their mercy. Mankind had acclimated to living like cattle. Then, the Titans breached what we'd long taken for granted. The fight for humanity's survival began. Death reigned, claiming soldiers and civilians alike. The casualties were staggering. Staggering too was the hard-won knowledge that Titans were living among our own. Five years after the first wall fell, we captured one of these Titans alive. A fellow soldier, Annie Leonhart. And yet, even after the smoke of battle cleared, the next threat was already close at hand. 

The group of scouts helping Hange had all gathered at the site of Annie's defeat after hauling her off. Something on the wall had caught their attention. Staring down at them with one eye visible was a skinless Titan. It was shorter than the Colossal, but far bigger than the Armored, Annie, and Y/n.

Soldier 1: What the?

Soldier 2: Guys, look! What is that?

Soldier 3: It's a Titan!

Soldier 1: In the wall? Thats impossible!

Hange rushed over when she heard the soldiers talking. Moblit was quick to follow her.

Moblit: Section Commander, your orders?

Hange: Well, uh, I'm not sure.

As she stared up at it, Hange's mind began racing.

Hange(in mind): Is this just a coincidence, or...Oh no. Surely it doesn't mean-

Before she could form another thought, a hand clasped her shoulder. looking slightly to her left, Hange saw Pastor Nick next to her and out of breath.

Nick: Listen to me. You mustn't let sunlight touch it. Cover it at once!


After receiving word from Hange's group about the discovery, Erwin was heading to a meeting with two scouts by his side.

Scout: For the time being, we've covered the wall Titan with sheets. It seems to be holding up. Further measures will be taken after sundown, Commander.

Erwin: Understood.

Scout 2: Forgive me sir, but what are we supposed to make of all this? I never imagined something like this was possible.

Erwin: Why would you? No one else did. There are only those who knew and the rest of us who were kept in the dark.


Tasked with cleaning up Stohess, Marlo's group had just found out about the wall Titan as well.

Marlo: Why are they keeping quiet about this? It's an earth-shattering discovery for god's sake. What's the point of playing it off?

Hitch: Status quo, right? Yeah, the higher-ups play it close to the vest. All this carnage and they couldn't be bothered to come up with a decent cover story.


After covering the Titan with sheets and rope, Hange had taken Nick to the top of the wall so they could talk in private. Something told her that he wouldn't say a thing where non-members of the church would hear him.

Hange: Start talking, now. Why are there Titans in the walls? What purpose do they serve? Why would you keep something like this a secret?

Nick: I don't have time for this nonsense. I'm a busy man. My flock has been devastated and it's all because of that demon you keep in your midst! It's his fault this happened! Let me down from here right this instant!

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