Part 4

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In the Tarapur Kingdom,

Both the siblings Princess Nayantara and prince Nirvad were running after each other and were fighting like cats and dogs. Suddenly King and Queen came in front of them.

" Nayan, we got response letter from Bharatgarh kingdom ", King Tarang said while the atmosphere got silent.

Princess Nayantara's heart was beating in a faster rate. She was eagerly waiting for the answer.

" It is Yes from their side, the King of Bharatgath, Queen, Prince Hriday will be coming after three weeks to our kingdom. Our princess Nayantara will get marry to prince Hriday after a month", King Tarang said while everyone were quiet.

" Why everyone is so silent? Our princess married got fixed. We have to do so many works", Queen Bhagyashri said.

" So you will be leaving this kingdom with in a month. Now no one will irritated me", Prince Nirvad said to princess Nayantara and went. She knew that thought her elder brother mouth is saying these words but his eyes expressed different ones.

" I....l will go to my chamber ", shy princess said and ran away. She was befuddled. Her blushing cheeks were turning into crimson shade. Finally she got the clarity. Her prince charming will be coming for her.

She locked her room and took a piles of paper from the shelf. She painted different kind of eyes on the paper. She used to image her prince charming eyes in her dream and then later she used to draw or paint on the piece of paper.

" How beautiful prince Hriday eyes will be? Did he accepted me from his heart or he was forced to choose me because of the promise? Will it be a political marriage for him? Will he love me? Will he respect me? Will he give me the status of wife in the true sense or l will be only the Queen of Bharatgarh in front of the world? ", plethora of thoughts were running in the princess mind. She was all dazed.


Days were turning into weeks. The marriage date was coming soon. Princess was just enjoying her life to the fullest. She was spending quality time with her Pita maharaj, Rani ma and with her Nirvad bhratashree.

Princess Nayantara wanted to explore the market. Only two days were remaining for her to be inlaws arrival. Her best friend Navya, princess of Atalgarh came to attend her wedding. They both share amazing bond from the childhood.

" I can't imagine that you will finally get married ", exclaimed princess Navya.

" Even l am clueless. I just want to explore and experience many things before marriage. Pita maharaj never allows me to visit our local market for shopping but l want to do it by myself. I want to dress up like a subject and buy products from the market ", Princess Nayantara said while dreaming.

"Let's do it my dear Sakhi. Let's dress up like subjects and explore the market ", Navya said while dancing.

" No.....l was kidding...."

" Ahhhhh lets do it Nayan", Finally Nayantara accepted it and dressed up like the subjects. Both the girls covered their head and face by the duppatta.

When Rajkumari Nayantara was moving out from the Kingdom, her duppatta got stuck by something. She pulled her duppatta but it got stuck on someone else wrist. The young guy was all dressed up like a subject.


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