Chapter :- 04

25 18 1

Yn Pov :-

Both girls smiled and agreed to meet me after school. I didn’t realize it was happening, but it seemed I was already falling into my own little
group. AllI had to do was take part in a silly little séance which might at most result in some squeaking floorboards and a good laugh.

I was sitting with my new friends, enjoying this quick acceptance, when I saw him. He was beautiful, tall, and muscular all at the same time.
He has Doe eyes and handsome in the teenage heart throb sort of way,
the sort of perfect that shouldn’t exist in high school.

“Who is that?”
I asked my new friends.

Lia followed my eyes and then smiled when she saw who I was talking about.

“That’s Jeongguk",
“Isn’t he gorgeous?” Iseul asked.
“Every girl in school is after him,” Lia  added. “Even Enuseo also.”

“But he doesn’t pay her a bit of attention,” Isuel added with a giggle.

I watched him move through the cafeteria, waving to almost everyone. He seemed completely unaware of how amazingly good looking he was. How was that even possible?

“All of us have had a crush on him at one time or another,” Lia confessed
with a knowing smile.

Blushing, I turned away from his perfection and refused to meet her eyes. I was grateful when the bell rang and I could escape. I promised to meet them after school and gathered my books and schedule, feeling a little more confident even though neither was in my next class.

History was my next class and it was at the other end of the building. Now that I was getting used to how the room numbers ran, I found the class easily enough and slipped into another desk in the second to the last row. I was feeling pretty
convinced that I could survive the day.

Desks around me filled up as
students came in. I kept my eyes down and pretended to be intent on lining up the edges of my History book and my notebook perfectly.
I looked up as someone took the
seat in front of me. My breath caught when I recognized
He must have heard me gasp. Turning slightly, he smiled at me with perfect white bunny teeth,

I couldn’t say anything. I was too stunned by seeing his perfection up this close.
Was it possible he was even better looking close-up? I could only imagine what he thought of me staring at him open mouthed. It obviously made him uncomfortable because he turned back around without trying to make further conversation.

The bell rang and class began.
Rather than paying attention to what
historical milestones we would be learning that year, I wondered what He was thinking maybe found a new idiot.
The teacher droned on about the War and other events lost in time. I spent the class staring at the soft skin of Jeongguk’s neck. It looked strangely soft and vulnerable. If I leaned forward just a little, I could smell a trace of his cologne.

I tried to focus, but I kept getting distracted by his profile and the perfect way that his hair. I was so very grateful when the bell rang and I could get out of there before I made a bigger fool of myself.

The rest of the day was a blur of more classes and more people that I didn’t know. I was grateful when the final bell rang and I was free.

I met Isuel and Lia outside the gate of school and moved them away from the school as quickly as possible.
“So,” Isuel began as she bounced along the sidewalk.
“We’re going to need some candles.
Do you have some?”
“We have Sandalwood Candle..... My Mom was addicted to sandalwood candles,”
I bit my lip at the last part.

Lia saw my reaction and thankfully didn’t pause for sentiment.
“Your Dad isn’t going to worried about this, is he right?”

I reassured her, “My Dad probably isn’t even home, or if he is, he’ll be
leaving soon. He doesn’t hover.”
That seemed to please them both and Lia copied Iseul ’s happy prance.

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