Chapter :- 05

24 17 0

Yn pov :-

The alarm woke me to what, for all appearances, was a normal morning. I switched on my lamp and looked around the room, more than a little confused. I half expected the room to be in complete disarray, but nothing was out of order.

I stared into the corner where he appeared, trying to recall every detail. The more I tried to remember, the more questions I had. What was it that woke me last night? Was it the intensity of his gaze? Who and what was he to show up in my room like that? Was he really some restless spirit we called back from hell or was he just a figment of my imagination?

The memory of the eerie glow of his eyes staring out at me from that dark corner sent a shiver up my spine. It just couldn’t be real. One minute he was there, and the next minute was gone. Things like that just didn’t happen.

In the light of the morning, the room seemed too bright, too vivid, like the
walls and the furniture were waiting for something to happen. The whole
house seemed to be pensive, ready for some unknown event. I listened,
waiting to hear something, anything to prove to myself that I wasn’t
losing my mind all.

“Are you there?” I called out into the sleeping silence.
Nothing answered. The only sound was the of the ginkgo tree against my window in the early morning

“Enough of this,” I scolded myself for even considering such outlandish
ideas. What was I thinking?

I threw back the covers and got out of bed. I tried to forget all about it as I got ready for school. I tried not to think about it anymore, but I stayed clear of the far corner of my room.

After such a strange night, the day could only be better.

It was better since I wasn’t quite so clueless as the days before. I recognized most of the students that passed me in the hall and a few even waved or said hello.

No matter how hard I tried, I was distracted. I was still thinking about the strange visitor as I pulled books out of my locker. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts; I didn’t notice Isuel bouncing up beside me.

“Hey, back for more punishment?” She asked with a wide smile.

“I guess,” I didn’t look up as I pulled books out, not even sure if they were the ones I needed.
Isuel took a History book from the top of my stack and put it back in my locker.
“What’s with you?”
“Nothing,” I said, shaking my head to clear it. “Why?”
“I don’t know. You just seem strange,” Isuel replied sticking out her tongue.

I hesitated. Did I confess what I saw or not? After all, I only met this girl
Few days ago and she didn’t owe me any loyalty.

“I was just thinking about last night,” I tried to move on to another subject.
“Where’s Lia?”
“Her first class is at the other end of the building,” Isuel explained as she
turned and walked down the hall with me. “Are you upset about last night or something?”
“No, of course not,” I assured her with a nervous laugh.

Isuel didn’t seem convinced. She followed beside me
“Look, that stuff doesn’t always work and none of us really believe
in it anyway, sometimes things happen and sometimes they don’t.”

“And what if something did happen?” I asked before I could stop myself.

The bell rang and saved me from any further explanation, but I saw the expression on her face. I gave her a quick wave and ran off to class.


It was only my few days  and I’m already the crazy girl.

I walked into Science in a lecture class, stumbling to my desk where I hoped I wouldn’t be noticed. I didn’t speak in class and I didn’t make contact with anyone.

I did try to focus on what teacher was saying, but Science was never my favorite subject  specially chemistry...

I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering back to the ghostly
figure in my room. I was certain I hadn’t imagined it, but how could it have been real?

Iwas dreading English class and Isuel questions about what I had meant at my locker. Why did I have to open my big mouth?

I went into next class and tried to pretend to pay attention, but I kept getting that sick feeling deep down in my stomach.
When the bell rang, I took my time walking down the hall. Everyone moved past me in the hall, smiling and joking with each other.

They were all completely unaware I was about to become the running joke of the day.

Park Eunseo was standing outside my English class, speaking with a
few of her followers. She stared at me with curiosity as I approached.

Had it already started? Had she already heard how crazy I was?
She watched me as I approached the door, smirking to her court.
“You’re new, aren’t you?” She asked as soon as I was close enough.

At my old school, it would have been exciting for a cheerleader to speak to me, but my experiences there taught me to be wary. Cheerleaders were another breed and should always be approached with caution.

“Yes,” I said, “I’m yn.”

“I didn’t ask what your name was loser,” Eunseo snickered,
obviouslypleased with herself for the set up. Her friends giggled with her.

I watched them turn and go down the hall only slightly stinging from their rejection.

I was right, even here, cheerleaders are another breed. Could the day get
any worse?

I walked in as the bell rang, taking my seat just as Teacher began class.
Isuel turned in her seat to throw me a questioning look, but the teacher
called on her and she had to face the front again. I breathed a sigh of relief,

But I knew that my reprieve was short-lived.

I was dreading lunch. I knew I had to say something to explain, but I wasn’t sure what it would be. Part of me wanted to just blurt out the entire story, but the more rational part of me knew that it would be social suicide.

I tried to concentrate on the lesson, I really did, but my mind kept wandering between what to tell Isuel  and the mysterious apparition in my room.

Nomatter what I did, I kept going back to that man standing in the shadows.
Every detail was becoming clearer as the fear ebbed away. His skin, if that’s what it was supposed to be, was smooth and poreless. There was an illusion of stubble on his chin, but it was very faint. His hair had glittered with bronze as if an unseen light was playing across the strands. And then
there were those eyes…Those soulful bright shiny eyes  until he
faded away into the blackness.

It must have been obvious I was day dreaming because Teacher call me
every few minutes. I gave my answers, grateful I paid attention last year at my old school when we studied, and then went back to thinking about those intense shiny eyes.

Who was he? Where did he come


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