Chapter :- 08

14 10 0

Yn pov :-

When my eyes opened the next morning, the world seemed no different. It didn't seem that it should be that way since I felt so different. I couldn't explain it to anyone if I tried. I wasn't really afraid. I wasn't crazy. That thing had appeared again and this time it spoke to me. Sitting up in bed, I looked around the room. There was no trace of my ghostly visitor.

Everything looked so perfectly ordinary. My books were sitting on my desk where I left them, my clothes were draped over the chair, and the bathroom door was slightly mess. Everything was just like I left it. How was it possible everything could look every bit as common as the day before? I stretched my neck to examine the floorboards in the corner, they appeared normal and boring. The corner where the being stood was vacant in the morning light, but that was okay. I knew what I saw and heard. It didn't matter that nothing was in chaos. It didn't matter there was no trace of the ghostly intruder. He was real, and he was there. I could feel him watching me from some invisible place.

"I know that you're there," I whispered.

I waited a moment to see if he would respond. The house creaked and

groaned, but far off there was something else, almost like breathing, but not quite. It was almost an electric hum, but lower and more primal.

"I'm not afraid of you," I declared to the empty air.

With some reluctance, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I was a little embarrassed, not sure if an unseen man was watching me. I tried not to think about the possibility of a ghost seeing me naked. Many times while I was getting ready for school, I stopped and listened for some sign he was near.

Dad was already up and drinking coffee at the kitchen table when I came downstairs. After a quick "good morning", he began making tell calls to more contractors, speaking to me only between calls when he was dialing the next number.

I didn't mind his distraction. I was too preoccupied. I just kept thinking

about what I saw and heard the night before, and how I knew for sure now that I wasn't crazy.

The thing that I was seeing in my room was real. I saw him with my own eyes and heard him with my own ears. He was NOT a figment of my imagination.

I ate my breakfast so fast that I barely tasted it. I was excited about the day. I didn't have to worry about being crazy anymore and that was enough to improve my mood. Ghost haunting the house? That's fine; just don't let me be the crazy new girl.

Part of me knew that I should be concerned about this spirit that kept

appearing to me, but I couldn't make myself worry about it. I couldn't make myself afraid of him. I wasn't crazy, which was all that mattered.

Dad didn't look up as I gathered my things and he gave me a distracted

wave when I said goodbye. I didn't let it bother me. He was wrapped up in his new project and it was good to see him excited about something. Mom would be pleased to see him so happy. I always pictured her still worrying about him.

We were in unchartered territory, Dad and me. In my life, he spent most of his time at work. I would see him for a few hours on the weekends and that was it, and then my Mom died. Now two years later, we were still familiar strangers unsure of what to say to each other.

I stopped in the hall and gathered my bag and books. The air was cool

there, untouched yet by the sunshine coming through windows. Flipping through the pages of my notebook, I felt a chill go up my spine. I turned and looked around the hall. There was a thick rug going the length of

the hall and as I watched, it disappeared and the chandelier overhead. Out of the corner of my eye, in the doorway of the office, I caught movement. My breath caught in my throat. I forgot that I wasn't afraid. I backed against the wall, staring at the empty doorway, waiting for the spirit to show himself.

"Go away," I demanded under my breath.

Minutes went by and nothing happened. The rug returned and the candles disappeared. I waited just a moment more and then with one last glance back, I left the shadows of the hall. I stepped out into the sharp light of the morning and stumbled down the stone walkway. I told myself over and over I was not afraid of whatever it was in that house.

I calmed down on the walk to school and let my mind wander. Who was

this spirit? What did he want?

It seemed impossible to me that me and my new friends had conjured him up all on our own, but yet, here he was. I was just about to step off the sidewalk when I heard it, that seductive voice from the night before.

" Yn!" The voice commanded, urgent, and from nowhere.

It happened in slow motion, I could see so many details all at once and

frozen in time. what was that huh? but there was no one there.
fearful and intense, and then the voice came again from unmoving lips.

"Do not move!" He ordered.

I saw it then, the white pickup speeding by. The sunlight glared off the bumper as it passed close enough that I could feel the hot air of the exhaust. It was loud and solid as it went by exactly where I would have crossed.

I froze, poised on the edge of the curb. I looked around me, waiting to see if anyone else had heard the voice. People were just going on about their daily routine as if they were unaware of how close I came to being annihilated. Back across the street, the phantom was still in the window, staring at me with his entrancing shiny eyes. I stood there gasping, unable to move, unable

to do anything but look at him.

It was easier to see the vivid details of him in the light of day. He seemed tall, lean almost. His hair was a strange coppery brown and fell in reluctant strands over his intense shiny eyes. He was younger than I first thought making me think he must have only been a few years older than me when he died.

I shuddered at the thought and focused on the spirit's eyes as the image started to fade. That voice from nowhere came again, teasing my ears and washing over me like a caress.

"My beloved, I miss you," It said and was gone.

I felt a scream pushing against the walls of my throat and my knees began to tremble. I told myself again that I was not afraid of him and walked the rest of the way to school in a daze. In keeping with the spirit of the treacherous start, the day that followed was uneasy, embarrassing, and by the last bell eventful.

Its ridiculous routine and mundane classes kept getting in the way of my thoughts. While I knew what to expect from my day, I was still too new to not pay attention in my classes and what was going on around me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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