chapter three

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two weeks later. omniscient.

Saturday had arrived, and after a long week, the girls were eager to unwind and have a good time. However, Shelby was the exception, as she unexpectedly developed reservations about going out. "I don't know Mecca, maybe I'll just stay home-" Shelby said with the shake of her head, her nerves suddenly on edge.

"Come on Shel, you never know, you might luck up on a real man," she said scrunching up her face playfully as the two shared a laugh. "but seriously though, anyone is better than Chance's lame ass. I'm so glad you called it off with him. He wasn't even doing the bare minimum."

"Mecca please!," Shelby tried to contain her laughter only to fail. "he was sweet, it was just-"

"Not going anywhere. Girl I get it, you know how my situation was with Landon before we called it quits." Mecca spoke knowing all too well about Shelby's last relationship.

She had been in a similar situation before she finally left, always believing her best friend deserved more. Yet, Shelby had been content in that relationship, feeling as if she didn't deserve good things; that couldn't have been farther from the truth.

Shelby played with the ends of her t-shirt, before grabbing her makeup bag. She had her doubts about getting into the dating world again, with her boundaries firmly in place and emotional walls up. The hesitance stemmed from Chance's past mental hurt, an experience she was adamant not to repeat.

"The love bombing, the gifts, the manipulation... it all kept pulling me back. I don't want to go through that again, Mecca. I just want to be loved, cherished, cared for." She said, her voice trailing off as she fought back tears, having shed enough already.

"Aw, lovebug, don't cry," Mecca cooed, pulling her into a hug. She rubbed her back as Shelby's shoulders shook with sobs, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. Annoyed at herself for shedding even more tears over Chance, Shelby quickly wiped her face and sighed, starting her makeup routine.

"It's okay to cry," Mecca said, reaching for her phone on the nightstand to text Ayla, ensuring she was still planning to meet them at the bar.

"I know, but I feel so stupid for wasting my tears on him."

Unsure of what to say next, Mecca hugged Shelby once more before getting ready, she knew something that would make her best friend feel better.
Midnight Lounge. omniscient.

Entering the vibrant nightclub, music pulsed from the overhead speakers while the girls quickly headed straight for the bar.

Shelby, Mecca, and Ayla donned party dresses that accentuated their curves, complemented by soft glam makeup and open-toed heels. Their clutches dangled from their shoulders as they kept their gaze fixed ahead, the image of the bar approaching closer with every step.

As Mecca approaches the open bar, she promptly orders Tequila shots with lime. Sliding her cash across the counter with a smile, she then turns to Shelby and Ayla, who are waiting for their drinks.

"It's so crowded and hot in here," Shelby grumbled. Ayla, who had just locked her phone, nodded in agreement. Yet, considering she had almost pleaded with her supervisor for the weekend off, she realized she didn't mind the discomfort.

"It is, but we're going to have so much fun tonight! Just let loose, Shelby!" Mecca said with a smile, wrapping her arm around Shelby's shoulder and rubbing it, hoping to calm her nerves.

"Right! I'm ready to get tipsy," Alya chuckled. "Work is the farthest thing from my mind right now." She said as they shared a laugh, the bartender handing them a tray of tequila shots.

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