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"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

[Hello] text

{Hello} me/author talking


No ones POV

It was just another day at G city as the suns rays lit up the city streets and places the citizens and animals roamed across the city living there normal lives.

While somewhere else, a few people were talking about a certain rumour thats been spreading around.

"Hey, have you heard abou that rumour?" A man said. "Which? The one about toilets with heads?" The second one said. "Yeah, that one." The first man said.

"Thats just a dumb rumour probably spread by some kids." A third man replied. "Im on his side, toilets with heads? How would that even be possible." A fourth man said.

"I dunno, just been hearing about it a couple of times while taking a jog around the city." The first man said. "Even if it is spread by some kids, still makes ya wonder what made them make a rumour like that." The second man said.

"Agreed." The fourth man said. "Hm, how about we talk about something else other than that rumour kids probably made." The third man said as the others reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Any of you guys heard about the weird sightings around a hill/forest thats a 2 hour drive from the city that some people been talkin about." The thurd man said. "I think i've heard that, heard a few guys talking about a hiker taking photos of some weird looking things at the palce you talking about." The first man said.

"Mhm, heard theres been a few more sightings from others." The third man said. "Might just be some animals, you know how the media likes to overexaggerate somethings it could be that happening again." The fourth man said.

"Probably, or it could be some kind of monster or maybe a new kind of animal." The second man said. "Or it might be some guy in an costume doing it for some reason." The first man said.

"Thats possible but what kind of guy would do that." The second man said. "Either an insane one or someone who likes prankign way to much." The fourth man said.

"Eh, i still think thats more believable than that heads coming otu of toilets one." The third man said.

While they were talking and others were walking around or talkin with others or buying things from local vendors.

A head peeped out from a corner of a building watching the people carefully before pullign there hesd back muttering oen word only while doing so. "Skibidi"

Meanwhile somewhere else

Two police officers walked through an alleyway one looking older and more experienced while the other looked new and not to experienced.

"So why did the person that called said to go here?" The younger police officer said.

"Said that theres been sightings of some thing roaming through here. Were here to see what thats all about. Hopefully its just an animal or a teen, don't wanna do to much work when tommorows my retirement." The older officer said.

"Hm, same got an visit to europe with old friends in a few days." The younger officer said.

All the suddenly a coupel of trash cans shake a bit as something quickly rushes out from the trashcans and into another alleyway.

"Lets go!" The older officer said to the younger oen as both rushed to follow it.

They both chase down it as they and the thing they were chasing went down multiple alleys taking many hard turns and some circling back to other alleyways.

Skibidi Toilet Hard ResetWhere stories live. Discover now