Chapter 3

22 1 0

"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

[Hello] text

{Hello} me/author talking


No ones POV

The aftermath of the broadcast from the white house was near absolute anarchy, the remaining high ranking officials and politiceans were able to keep things stable but there was still chaos in some places.

A group of cameramen and lareg cameramen along with some soldiers with a few military vechiles were making there way to a part of G city where reports were recieved of a large amount of skibidi gathering in one place.

As the group made there way through the streets but they were stop by 4 medium toilets which they deal with very quickly.

After a while of killing some skibidi that tried to stop them they finally make it to the place where the reports came from.

The church of the wobbly horse {if you know you know} they approach the church "2 of you go through the front door 6 of you come from the sides to catch them off guard as the 15 of us will be out here at the ready." A soldeir says to some cameramen, large cameramen, and soldiers as they all nod or give a thumbs up.

2 large cameramen walk up to the front door of the church as 3 cameramen 1 large cameraman and 2 soldiers made there way to the back door.

The 2 large cameramen bust down the door as they see a bunch of normal toilets all in the church listenig gto a big toilet with a halo attached to its head by a metal stick.

All the toilets look at the 2 in shock and confusion as the back door is bust down by the group sent to go to the back door. 

seeing this the holy toilet gets angered and eats a cameramen but gets punched in the eye by the large cameraman giving enough time for the soldier and remaining cameramen to flush him.

The normal toilets stary running around in fear as the others outside start pourign int othe church taking care of the toilets inside.

Meanwhile somewhere else

2 cameramen were walking down the streets chatting to eachother about some things.

As they continue walking they soon stumble upon a club, instead of continuing there walk the sound coming from the club which sounds quite familiar.

Due to curiosity the 2 cameramen decide to take a look inside the club. When they entered it they saw a bunch of people dancing who looked maybe slightly high but the thing that shocked them the most when entering it.

Skibidi toilets, there were some toilets amongst the dancing crowd and at the stage of the club was a toilet with headphones and a beanie {idk what the thing dj toilet wears is called} playing music on a dj set.

The cameramen looked at each other. "Ok, lets go sneak up on that dj toilet, we can't flush the toielts in the crowd with out harming some humans in the process so if we take out the music that might make the crowd disperse or open up a bit confused on why theres no more music." Cameraman 010 said to cameraman 011 who nods.

The 2 of them slowly make there way to dj toilet as 010 walks up to dj toilet who is still playing hism usic as 011 is near the steps of the stage ready to catch the dj toilet if he runs away.

The dj toilet looks at cameraman 010 in shock and fear as he continues to paly the music while lookign at him. "Skibidi skibidi bop bop oh yes yes." The dj toilet says but the 010 confused o nwhat he is saying.

"Uh, lets talk in a more understandable language fella." Dj toilet says in english while still playing the music. Both 010 and 011 look in shock and confusion hearing a skibidi talk normal english.

"You speak eng- nevermind, i and my friend over there would like to know what you think your doing." Cameraman 010 says on guard not fully believing if this toilet is good or not.

"Well, you see, i'm here cause i left the other toilets to pursue my dream of being a dj and play music for large crowds. Please believe me, what im saying is true i ain't gonna harm nobody." Dj toilet said with genuine emotion in his words while still playing music.

"Hmmm, and how are we sure you aren't just lying to save your toilet ass." Cameraman 010 siad with a bit of skeptisicm in his tone still unsure if he should believe what this toilet is saying.

"Then you can have 2 or more of your guys here and see for youselves, i just wanna be a dj. But, can you maybe help get rid of the skibidi in the crowd, they were threating to kill me for leaving but i was luckily able to get them drunk enough to forget about that and just dance with the rest of the crowd." Dj toilet said with honesty.

"Fine, but the moment we find out your lying, your back on the enemy list with the rest." Cameraman 010 said as he and 011 take positions at the entrance as 011 starts calling some oen as 010 starts to try nad get rid of the toilets that threathned dj toilet.

Meanwhile somewhere else

The church of the wobbly horse was fully cleansed of ahy skibidi inside of it as the group of cameramen large cameramen and soldiers all were resting a bit.

"Alright, lets head back." The same soldier said as everyone else nodded or gave a thumbs up but just as they started leaving they get stopped.

Multiple giant toilets and a coupel of flying ones appear along with a dreadfull sight. 3 titan toilets all sticked together with the one at the back having horns {these are the guys from ep 11 of the original series if you forgot}.

The soldier gave a sign for the onesi  nthe vechiels to fire there weapons but they did little to stop the the titan triple toilet as they get headbutted into oblivion.

As there was only one cameraman left that survived but ultimateky got killed as the camera cuts to a camera scientist watchign the pov from a screen with anothe cmaera scientist.

"The giant toilets were already a pain in the ass to deal with now we have titan sized ones." Scientist cameraman 021 said annoyed.

"Agreed, if only we had some way to kill them." Scientist cameraman 020 said.

"Maybe something that can shoot them from above, maybe like a flying camera of sorts like the ones we use to drop off agents." Scientist cameraman 021 said.

"Or maybe an agent thats as big as them." Scientist cameraman 021 said which piqued scientist cameramans curiosity hearing that.

"Why not both." Scientist cameraman 019 said joining in the conversation out of nowhere startling the other 2.

"Don't scare us like that." Scientist cameraman 020 said. "My apologies, i just got very intrested in those 2 ideas you 2 have that i joined the covnersation cause of it, but as i was aaying thsoe ideas could be potentially helpful in this battle." Scientist cameraman 019 said as both 020 and 021 decide to listen on what 019 has to offer or say.

Hello readers, it seems things ain't going as planned and it seems 2 cameraman have found an friendly toilet and 2 specific new ideas are gonna come to life soon. Well, thats all for now see ya'll next time.

Word count: 1229 words

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