Chapter 4

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"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

[Hello] text

{Hello} me/author talking


No ones POV

A group of cameramen ajd soldiers were marching there way through the streets ma,ing there way to join other groups to stop a massive horde of toilets trying to make there way to the evacuation area at the center of the city.

They marched there way in a quick pace, hurridly makign there way to try and join hte other groups but something stopped them in there tracks.

A normal toilet with a crazed look stood infront of the group as one of the soldiers prepared to shot it. "SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI! SKIBIDI!" The toilet shouted all the sudden.

A  large cameraman runned up to the toilet and kicked it away as it crashed into the ground, the group continued there march but stopped again as they here multiple crashing sounds and crazed voice.

The group turns around and see a toilet with 6 rockets shouting crazily as it ran its way to them in a fast pace as the entire group gets blitzed by the rocket toilet as it made its way to somewhere else.

Meanwhile somewhere else

A large cameraman was leaning against the entrance of a large ware house in the G port as he turns his head to see a cameraman with a missing right hand running up to him.

"Whats the matter?" The large cameraman said to the right handless cameraman. "There is a horde of big and normal toilets along with some flying ones invading the port." The cameraman said franticly.

Before the large cameraman could say anything he and the other cmaeraman see a flying big toilet along with some flying normal ones making there way to them as a group of toilets appear from the corner of a couple containers.

The right handless cameraman shinrked back i nfear as the large cameraman stayed calmed and knocked the entrance of the warehouse. "We got a problem out here." He said.

The entrance was then opened by 2 large cameramen as they step to the side as something exited the large ware house. It was a camera strider a lastest invention of the scientists.

The camera strider started firing its gun as it shots down the flying normal toilets as a second strider camera exits the warehosue and rushes past the first one and at the toilets on the ground.

The second camera strider fired its gun while chargign at the toilets, killing soem of the normal ones as it raised one of it legs and impaled it in the head of a big toilet.

It removed its leg from the big toilets head it then impaled the head of another big toilet with its other leg as it stomped a few normal toilets to death as it rushed at more toilets.

The lareg cameraman looks up to see the flying big toilet had its eyes shot as a flying cmacorder dropped off 2 large cameraman who flushed the flying big toielt but fell down along with it.

The first strider camera joined the second one in slaugthering the group of toilets as the large cameraman gets a notification on his tablet.

[Reinforcments have arrived to help stabilize the sitation In G port]

Meanwhile somewhere else

A soldier looked as a few more group take positions on the bridge and road preparing for the toilets coming.

The soldeir looked at a second one. "How many of us are here?" The first soldier said to the second soldier. "About 14 groups have arrived here, which should mean there is 100 or more units/cams stationed here." The second soldier replied.

"Lets just hope that this amount we've gathered will be enough to deter the toilets attack." The first soldier said as the second soldier agreed.

"Skibidi approaching!" A soldier manning a machine gun of an helicopter shouted as multiple skibidi of varying sizes start approaching and charge at them.

The soldiers started firing at the medium and normal sized toilets as the tanks focused on killing the big and giant toilets as the couple of attack helicopters there went further to the skbidis  to drop down grenades and bombs.

The cameramen and large variants were standing infront of the soldiers tanks and other vechiles, to deal with any toilets getting to close.

As the battle raged on the soldiers and cams were filled with hope seeing the skibidi get mowed down dieng left and right barley able to get close to them.

All of them stop firing as they look infront of them to see all hode of skibidi all dead. They started cheering a bit as they have succsesfully protected the evacuation area.

The attack helicopters started flying back but hten all the suddenly one of them gets shot down by a yellow laser.

All of them stop cheering and get anxious seeing what jsut happened as they ready their weapons again.

From behind a buildign a giant toilet probably the same size or maybe al ittle bigger than the triplets, it was the same toilet that took out a group of cmaeramen at the port.

"Skibidi bop bop oh yes yes oh yes yes skibidi bop bop eeh eeh eeh!" The giant toilet/gman shouted as the soldiers started firing everything they have at him.

G man shrugs off the things being fired at him as he fires his lasers from his eyes oblitrating alot of them as a coupele of giant toielts appear and start makign there way to the soldiers and cams.

Then one of the tanks get blown up by a laser that was not from gman as gman raises an eyebrow and looks to see who did it alogn with the cams and soldiers.

The culprit off it was a giant flying toielt {this is the same one that destroyed the strider camera on it debut, the one that was killed at the port is not him} as 3 more flying big toilets appear along with a bunch of kamikaze toilets that statr raining down.

As the soldiers and cams flee in fear a couple of cams and soldiers get runned over by the rocket toilet who starts runnign over every thing in his path as gman chuckles darkly to himself as he fires his lasers.

A soldier hiding behind a broken tank starts shouting into a walkie talkie. "Mission failed! I repeat mission fai-" the soldier gets killed by gmans laser before finishin what he was saying.

Hello readers, it seems the force put to defend the evacuation area has failed as the cameramen sicentist have made a new type of camera the strider camera. Well thats all for now, see yall next time.

Word count: 1084 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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