Chapter 2

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"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

[Hello] text

{Hello} me/author talking


No ones POV

2 police officers where walking down a street just doing another regular patrol. "Its been a peaceful couple of days. Hopefully it will stay that way for a bit longer." One of the offices said.

"Agreed." The second officer said, but all the suddenly they both hear a loud noise nearby. "I swear to god, if its those damn protesters blocking the streets again." The second officer said.

The 2 officers walked over to a bridge where the noise was coming from to see multiple citizens and one of those cameraman with his arms crossed looking over the bridge at a giant toilet with a head {as big as the one from ep 3 of the original series}.

"Skibidi bop bop oh yes yes oh yes yes skibidi bop bop eh eh eh eeehhhhh." The giant toilet said with a demented smile. It then immidietly head butted the bridge causing it to collapse as the citizens on it either fall or try to run away.

The giant skibidi toilet slowly walks in between the now broken bridge as it sang its song maliciously.

"Now." The same cameraman with his arms crossed said as 2 large cmaeraman on both isdes of the street the bridge was attached to let go of the vnas they were holding as a cmaeraman jumps out of each van as the 2 vans crash straight into the head of the giant toilet.

"Hold." The same crossed arm cameraman said as the 2 large cameramen and 2 cameramen from the vans got closer to the bridge and waited for the smoke to clear.

The igant skibidi then head butted the large cmaeraman and normal cameraman on hteo ther side of hte bridge before facing the other 2 and the crossed arm cameraman with an somewhat injured angered face.

" fall back!" The crossed arm cameraman said as the 3 retreated as the giant toilet angrily continued his rampage.

"Backup, i repeat requesting backup." The crossed arm cameraman said over to his tablet.

Meanwhile somewhere else

At a park in G city citizens walked and chatted freely as the kids had fun. But then the body of a large cameraman is seen flying out of nowhere and hits a tree in the park.

The citizens in the park get terrified or startled a bit from this as all the suddenly 1 giant toilet about the size of a regular house along with a coupel of normal and medium toilets appear from a street.

The booming voices of the toilets leads to the citizens to run away as an unfortunate few get mawled or headbutted to death by the toilets.

The giant toilet grabs a truck wiht its mouth and throwed it at the citizens as the truck got stuck in between some buildings stopping citizens from escaping as there screams for helped were blocked out by the malicous voices of the skibidi toilets.

As the toilets close in on the helpless people. A large cmaeraman runs in and kicks a normal toielt away before it could attack a kid.

The giant toilet prepared to headbutt the large cameraman 6 ft under. But got barraged by bullets and rockets.

The toilets look back to see multiple soldiers along with some military vechiles as a few poilice officers and quite a bunch of cameramen and large cameramen were attacking the toilets.

As the giant toilet got a tank shell fired into its mouth as the medium and normal toilets were quickly being dispatched of by the cameramen and the large varients.

An attack helicopter flys over hte giant toilet who had there eyes shot by 2 tanks as 2 large cameramen drop down from the attack helicopter and pull the flusher off the giant toilet.

The soldiers escorted the citizens to safety as a few cameramen were putting some toilets in vans.

A soldier walks up to an higher ranking soldier. "Sir, we have recieved an request for back up from cameramen 015 that a giant toilet is roaming and causing havoc downtown." The soldier said to the higer ranked one.

"Hm, take a few tanks and vechiles along with some soldiers and cameras to take care of it, after that regroup with the rest of us at the center of the city." The higher ranked soldeir said to the other one. "Sir yes sir." The soldier replied and left.

"This virus is spreading far to quickly, we have to buy as much time as possible till they can find a solution for this mess." The higher ranked soldier muttered as he signaled for the remaining soldiers cameras etc to follow him.

Meanwhile somewhere else

At a bar in the city, the sports games playing on the tvs i nthe bar where interrupted by a live broadcast by the president of america himself.

Most in the bar where confsued while a few where angry there sprots game was interrupeted and just grumbled to themsleves.

"Citizens of americans, as some of you may be confused about the situation or have found out about or seen the recent spread. Of toilets with heads that we have dubbed, skibidi toilets causing havoc." The president of america, borack obama says with a serious expression.

"Our scientist that discovered this virus, are working on a solution to deal with this problem. And this is no laughing matter, this virus has spreaded out far to quickly." Obama says as the screen then cuts to footage of skibidi otilets of different sizes appearing in places like texas, florida, california, and even to neighbouring countries like mexico and canada along with footage of some appearing in places like india, portugal, ethiopia and more.

"Due to the seriounesss and danger this virus poses to not just america, but to the human race as a whole. It has been decided that all citizens in major citys and other places be put into quarantine and barricade yourselves in your homes until military personnel have made a evacuation area in the center of major citys and other major places etc, for all of you to go to be relocated to a safe place." Obama says. 

"And for those of you who wonder how we have came to thsi decision this quick. Do not dwell on it to much cause we have a more serious issue to worry about. And-" obama gets cut off as a toielt barges into the room followed by a coupel of flyign toilets crashing in threw hte windows as the camera recording this gets destroyed by a toilet flying into it as the tvs all return back to whatever was originally being played before.

There was a short deafining silence before the entire bar erupted into screams of terror and worriedness as people run out and start making it to there hoems or to warn others as confusion and fear flouded the streets.

Hello readers, well it ain't looking good for the human race as the toilets mass invasion is being delayed as much as possible. Thats all for now, see ya'll next time.

Word count: 1155 words

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