Chapter 1

46 0 0

"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

[Hello] text

{Hello} me/author talking


No ones POV

"Have ya'll seen those things the govermant deployed called cameramen." A teenager said.

"Yeah, there creepy as hell they just look or watch things, it creeps me out." A second teenager said.

"There not that creepy, but they sure are weird, why did the govermant even made these things, we already have the police." A third teenager said.

"Maybe the govermant is using them to stalk us, keep us in line." A fourth teenager said.

"Really dude? What is with you and theorizing on what the govermant is doing." The second teenager said.

The group of teenagers went islent as they see a cameraman looking at them and then walking away.

"I knew it, im on to something." The fourth teenager said.

 One of the teenagers then says "For fucks sake just stop-"

Meanwhile somewhere else

A cameraman walked up to another one who was watching 2 cameraman at the door of a warehouse, preparing to kick it open.

The 2 kick the doors of the warehouse wide open only to find there was no one in there.

A couple of cameraman enter the warehouse while the rest stand guard outside.

"Theres nothing in here." Cameraman 026 said. "Those toilets must have knew we were coming." Cameraman 020 said.

"Hm, maybe those reports were wrong, either way lets take a look around for anything useful." Cameraman 017 said as the others nod.

The group of cameraman start looking around trying to find anything valuable. Until cameraman 026 tripped on something.

Cmaeraman 019 helped 026 up as they both looked back to see that a sewer cover was what cameraman 026 tripped on. "Guys, we found something." Cameraman 019 said.

The others walk over and see a hole on the ground mostly covered by the sewer cover and a cabinet ontop of it covering a portion of the hole.

A cameraman pulls the cabinet aside. "017 020 and 018 go down there and see if there is anything down there, if you find any of those toilets head back up immidietly." Cameraman 019 said as the 3 cameraman give a thumbs up and head down the hole.

Cameraman 019 pulls out a tablet. "026 go tell the rest outside what we've found, im gonna report this to base real quick." Cameraman 019 said as cameraman 026 gave a thumbs up and went outside to inform the others.

Meanwhile somewhere else

A few cameraman arrived in vans at G port as all of them got out of the vans as one of them pulls out a tablet. "Okay, this should be the place." Cameraman 030 said.

Cameraman 030 turned around to the others. "Spread out, there has been some reports of there beign toilets here." He said as the other give a thumbs up as they all spread out to find any skibidi toilets around.

Cmaeraman 038 and 039 walked around the G port like hte others as they suddenly heard noise. They both look around a container to see a skibidi toilet which immidietly started running {?} As the 2 followed it.

"Hey! Stop! " Cameraman 038 shouted. The 2 cameraman chase the toilet as cameraman 039 jumps onto the toilet with both hi mand hte otilet falling down as cameraman 039 gives a thumbs up.

Somewhere else, cameraman 030 and 034 were walking around G port until cameraman 030's tablet as he opens it to see a message from cameraman 038 that they caught a skibidi toilet.

Cameraman 030 and 034 along with a few others make it to cameramen 038 and 039s location as both of them were holding the toilet in place.

Cameraman 030 gives a thumbs up to the 2 of them as he looks at the toilet. "Carry it to the vans, were bringing it back to base." Cameraman 030 said as cameramen 038 and 039 started liftign the toilet up.

But all the suddenly it started shouting skibidi over and over again as suddenly 8 normal sized skibidi toilet appear and start charging towards hte group of cameraman who immidietly ran at the toilets.

"Hurry, get it back to the van!" Cameraman 030 said to 038 and 039 as they both rush the toilet away from the battlefield.

But 039 gets his head bit off by a medium sized toilet as 038 gets runned over by a large toilet as big as a fridge.

The cameramen start retreating but a large toilet, the largest one they have ever seen before that was taller than a 2 story house stops them.

Before they knew it hte large toilets {gman} eye started glowing and obliterated them all as the toilet looks at a medium sized toilet. "Errr skibidi bop bop oh yes yes oh yes yes err skibidi skibidi skibidi bop bop {translation: tell the others to get ready, the invasion shall start sooner than expected due to those harware heads finding out about us far to early}" Gman said to the medium toilet as it nodded.

Hello readers, it seems that shit is about to go down very very soon. Well thats all for now, see ya'll next time.

Word count: 832 words

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