Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We were making the final plans for the fake interview when I noticed Meghan had been really quite a few minutes ago. I looked over at her and saw her staring at her phone.

I walked over to her. "You ok?"

She sighed. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you guys, but today's Mary Beth's funeral. I wasn't sure if I should go."

"You should go," I replied. "Everyone else will come too."

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. If that girl found out Mary Beth's funeral was today, she would show up and it would be the perfect trap for us."

"If she's there, then we can take her down," Jill added. "I'm not missing one of my best friend's funeral."

Everyone agreed.

"But what are we going to wear?" Meghan asked. "We can't exactly show up in sweatpants and hoodies."

"We're in the basement of a dress store," I said. "My mom won't mind if we borrow some."

A few minutes later, we were all in dressy, yet versatile, black dresses. We got into the two cars, Jill driving one and Lanie driving the other. I was in the car with Lanie, Zoe and Abby. It was a really quiet car ride, no one really had anything to say.

None of this seemed real. It seemed impossible that our lives would be turned upside down so quickly, yet it was all true. It was all true, and my fault. Annette said someone was hiding something, maybe she meant me. I never took the blame for ruining our lives. I never admitted it was my fault.

I never apologized to Meghan.

If it wasn't for me, Mary Beth and Victoria wouldn't have died, we wouldn't be on the run, and we wouldn't be scared for our lives.

This was all my fault.

I felt horrible. I stared out the window of the car and didn't say anything until we walked inside the church. Even then, I only said hello to Mr. and Mrs. Niles when I passed them walking in.

"Well you're quiet, Kyler," Jill said to me.

"I'm sorry guys. This is all my fault. All of it."

"No it's not," Meghan said.

"Yes, it is! If I hadn't been on that field trip, none of this would've happened."

"They would've tracked us down some other way," Abby added. "It's not your fault."

"Yeah, it could've happened to anyone," Zoe replied.

"But it didn't! It happened to me. And now this is happening to all of us!"

"Kyler, calm down," Lanie said.

"I can't! I can't be calm when I'm here, and one of my best friend's FUNERAL because I messed up. There, I said it. I messed up. I'm a fricking idiot and I don't even know what I was thinking, or what I'm doing anymore."

"Kyler, please calm down. We don't blame you," Rose said. She was always calm, but right now I wasn't.

"But I blame myself because it's my fault. Now we don't have anywhere to go, anything to do or even the slightest plan. I can't do this anymore." I started walking out, but Lanie put her hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

I brushed her hand off.

"Kyler, don't do this to us."

I kept walking.

"Kyler, please."

I opened the door and looked back at them. I shook my head and let the door close behind me as I walked out.

I don't know where I thought I would go, I just knew I had to get out of there. To protect them. To help them.

I turned the corner and walked into the parking lot. I found Jill's car and sat on the hood. I looked through the parking lot and I heard music starting. They probably wouldn't come after me once the ceremony started.

I saw a lot of cars I recognized, the Nile's, my mom's, Janessa's, and others that I knew I had seen before, but didn't know from where.

I heard someone walking nearby me. Probably someone who showed up late. Then I realized where I had seen one of the cars before. My breath caught as I slid of the hood of the car and pulled out my phone.

"Come on, Lanie. Pick up."

It went to voicemail. Her phone was off. No, no, no, no, no. "Lanie, she's here." Then I tried Annette. On the third ring, she picked up.


"Annette, she's..." Then something was twisted into my shoulder, right where I was stabbed a few days ago. I screamed and dropped my phone.

"Surprise," the mystery girl said with a smile as she stepped on my phone.


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PS I've started working on the next chapter and in either that one or the next one you will get a lot of answers.  And I mean A LOT.  Which chapter it's in depends on how I want to split the chapter, since it's kinda long.

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