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I killed the engine as I parked outside my home, seeing as I'm about to leave as soon as I give Chris his coffee from Starbucks and get my bags. I don't want to be late on my first day of school.

That sounds weird considering my age but I'm so excited. It was a bit chilly outside but it's probably just the morning draft. I went into the house placing the coffee cups on the counter before jogging upstairs to get my bags.  Then it hit me. The kids were probably still asleep and I needed to ask Solo if she didn't mind having them over tomorrow.

I got into the room to see Chris come out from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and water trickling down his thorax with his hair in a curly wet mess. I bit down on my bottom lip as I watched him get his clothes out whilst I packed my necessaties into my bag.

"A good morning would be nice, Ms pervert." He chortled as he slipped on his draws followed by him pulling up his jeans. I looked away trying to hide my smile as my cheeks heated.

"Good morning, baby." I felt his presence behind me as he wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into the crook of my neck and placing a small kiss on it. "You're finally wearing that cologne I got you."

"I'd be damned if I didn't and girl why you acting like all of this ain't yours." I chuckled playfully pushing him off me as he referred to his body. "I'm serious, you out here having eye sex with me when you know all you have to do is ask-scratch that you could have sex with me without my permission because you're mine and I'm yours meaning access is automatically granted."

"okay, Christopher." I scoffed at his little statement. I swung my bag over my shoulder before standing on my tippy toes to place a kiss on his cheek. "Okay I gotta go now, stay out of trouble, I love you." He furrowed his eyebrows and instantly held onto my hand causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Where you going?" He arched his left eyebrow.

"To school, silly." I smiled turning around to make my way out, but he stopped me again. "what?" I spat irritably realising how late I was going to be if I stayed any longer.

"What do you mean you're going to school, Beyonce?" His voice changed from elated to stern which puzzled me a little.

"What do you mean Christopher? I'm going to school to learn and study. Now will you please let me go so I can kiss my babies goodbye." I yanked my hand out of his grip."And don't forget to give Reagan some cough syrup after he's eaten, I think he's getting a bit of a cold." I added before exiting the room and cutting him off from whatever he wanted to say.

I walked into the twins bedroom and found them both sleeping peacefully. I walked over to Reagan's crib first but panicked slightly when I realised he wasn't there. I moved the blankets and still couldn't spot him. Where is my child? I felt myself begin to panic more. I went over to Sabrina's crib and I found him there sleeping with his sister. They were both hugging one another in theirs sleep. I calmed down before taking my phone out to take a picture of this extremely adorable moment. I had completely forgotten that Sabrina wouldn't stop crying last night so Chris put Reagan in her crib because she was just scared of sleeping all on her own.

"Beyonce, I'm not done speaking to you." I heard Chris' voice boom. I jumped slightly as I turned around to see Chris posted by the doorway. I silently sighed before walking out the twins bedroom, closing the door softly behind me. "School? Did we not speak about this?"

"We didn'-"

"I sure do recall speaking on it."

"No we didn't, you just yelled in my face that you didn't like that idea. I refuse to be yelled at Christopher so next time if you want to 'discuss' things, arrange a time with me." I snapped walking pass him but he pulled me back by my upper arm.

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