Moving In

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I drove quickly through the streets of Seoul. I didn't push the car to it's limits, although it would have been an easy task to manage it even if I was going flat out. I simply didn't want to startle other drivers by passing them too quickly. I reached my destination in a short 5 minutes. It looked like a simple low cost vegetable shop from outside, but I knew there was more to it than met the eye. As I walked in, an elderly lady, who looked about 90 greeted me in a friendly and familiar way. "Hey granny" I called out. "You got here quick" she said as she rummaged beneath the counter, pulling out something wrapped in ancient looking cloth. "Now what would an angel like you want with a spell book?" She asked me as she passed me the object. I unwrapped the the cloth handling it with care. Beneath was a ancient book, bound in, out of all things, leather made from tiger skin. "Being one of the only two angels to actually possess a human soul, human magic interests me" I said rewrapping the book. "Not that a 3000 year old sorceress would disapprove of someone broadening their horizons" I continued smiling at her. She smiled and said "hope to see you again, don't tell the others but you're my favourite angel". I chucked and waved her goodbye. It was always surreal, walking into the worlds oldest sorcerey store. "Hmm, I wonder if I can beat them to the house" I thought to myself as the Corvettes engine revved up.

Hanni POV

We left about 2 minutes after Y/N quite literally sped away in his shiny car. It was interesting watching the way he carried himself. When he said that he was an angel I expected him to behave like one those "knights in shining armour" from old fairy tale movies. But in reality, he was childish and carried himself like he didn't have a care in the world. And in all honesty, it only made him more seem more interesting. I snapped back to reality and realised that the scenery out of the vans window had changed from the urban landscape of Seoul to a lush green. We seemed to have left the city behind and were driving up one of the windy mountain roads on the border of the city. I glanced over to the digital clock on the van. Huh, we had been travelling for 45 minutes already. Danielle was the only other one awake, looking at something on her phone, but she too, looked like she was about to fall asleep soon. As we turned about a hairpin turn, "He said he was going somewhere, I wonder how long we'll have to wait for him" I thought to myself. Just then the drivers GPS declared that our destination was 2 minutes away. I quickly reacted, waking up the sleeping members, telling them we were close. 2 minutes later the answer to my question was answered. Y/N was leaning on his car Infront of what looked like an old warehouse building. He motioned for the driver to lower his window then called out "Follow me in" then got into his car. The smallest shutter on the building started to open, there were 5 in total, it was quite a large building. The black car drove in and we followed in. In all honesty, the interior was not what I was expecting.


I stuck my hand out of the window and motioned with my hand for the driver to stop, at what was somewhat a drop off point. It was usually where Naomi stopped her car when she visited. I parked my car in it's spot and got out. Reaching the van as the members of NewJeans were just getting out. They looked around, taking in their new dorm, I guess. I loved in an old warehouse in the middle of nowhere. It was a square building, 100m by 100m the front part of the house was where I parked. I had 46 cars all parked in a neatly in a row. That left 90m by 100m of living space. Being a warehouse, my living space took the concept of open space to the extreme, there were no interior walls only load bearing pillars. The only thing that separated the different areas of the house such as the kitchen, the dining area, or the TV area was the space in-between them. The floor was covered in a patchwork of carpets in varying shades of grey, to match the grey raw concrete of the pillars. The back wall didn't come all the way down to the floor. 15m from the floor a sloped glass roof attached to it, extending the house further back by 10m. Sloping down 5m then a glass wall brought it down. That was my green house. The floor was grass, and it even had a small stream snaking through it. Smack in the middle though, was a circle, outlined by rocks. And in one corner of the circle was a rack holding swords and beside it was a bronze robot. It kinda of looked like a mannequin. I used it to spar, and it could replicate me since it was enchanted in heaven, so it would be like I was training with myself. Smaller robots, like the type you would see in Starbucks moved around the house, cleaning up or doing other chores. We arrived at 5.35pm. The robots only functioned from 5-6pm, then returned to their storage area unless they were needed outside of that time. On the 3 walls other than the one we entered from were 2 lofts each. One above the other, being a warehous the ceiling was high, 35m high, giving a lot of space for the lofts. They would be our individual rooms. A bunch of angels had shown up yesterday to get them prepared. I had already taken possession of the top middle loft.

Heavenly Bodyguard (Male Reader x NewJeans Hanni)Where stories live. Discover now