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I was alone once again after Hanni closed the door to her room. I walked down the stairs slowly, my mind occupied by the thought that something was wrong with my mortal form. I glanced at my watch. It was 3:30 a.m. Hmm. I guessed that the members would most likely stir at around 8 a.m. or later. Most humans weren't fond of waking up earlier than that. That much I knew about humans. That gave me 4 hours and 30 minutes. I roughly needed an hour to get breakfast ready and another 30 minutes to get all the ingredients I needed. That left me with 3 hours to get to Heaven and back. More than enough time.

Time around me seemed to freeze again as I spread my wings and took flight. I didn't fly up, but forward. Heaven wasn't above Earth as most people seemed to believe. Technically, it wasn't even in the same plane of existence as Earth. All one had to do to get to Heaven was simply have access and the desire to go there. The air around me shimmered, and suddenly I was among clouds. A short distance ahead of me, land, suspended in mid-air. I touched down softly in front  of pearly gates. My wings didn't retract into my body; here they were always on display. As I walked towards the gate, they slowly swung open on their own and, after I passed, closed behind me. It had been a while since I was here, nearly a year.

I walked through Heaven. It resembled the vast grasslands of Earth. Patches of wildflowers, the occasional lake or stream, and a few wooden cottages scattered around. Each of those cottages held a human soul on the inside. Humans who managed to get into Heaven lived in those cottages. Time and space operated differently in those cottages; inside one, you could find entire worlds where the human who owned it could do whatever they wanted to do on the inside. I continued walking in a straight line. I wasn't here to check up on the human souls; I had to get to where the angels resided. A few moments later, a town that resembled those of Earth during the Renaissance period came into view in the distance. As I approached, I saw my siblings going about their business. I hadn't seen another angel other than my sister on Earth for over a year. A smile spread across my face as my pace quickened. As I got close, one of my brothers spotted me. "Y/N!!!! You've come to visit us, baby brother!!!" He called out as he rushed over and pulled me into a warm embrace. I laughed out loud and patted his back. As we pulled apart, he threw his arm over my shoulder and walked with me. "I'm not a baby anymore," I said, still smiling. "Big talk from one who only just entered the second decade of his life," Aniel replied, with a taunting smirk on his face. "I may not be ancient like the rest of you, but I am the personification of Heaven's wrath and violence," I said, this time with a little steel in my voice. I was growing tired of being called "baby brother" by every angel. I was greeted with much enthusiasm, which I returned as well by other angels as Aniel and I I walked through the town. Aniel laughed beside me. "Well, if you say so, brother. I wouldn't want to offend the strongest angel in heaven." I slowed a little. "The archangels aren't in?" I asked. "Nope, they haven't been back since your birth. They probably only showed up then because it was an angel of your caliber coming into existence. If it were another angel like us," he gestured around, "I don't think they would have bothered to show up." "Hmm, they are extremely busy," I commented. Aniel simply nodded his head. "Well, even without the archangels, 'Hatred' is still stronger than me." I clarified. My siblings always called me the strongest after the archangels, but they always forgot our sister. "Angels held in heaven's prison don't count," Aniel quickly replied. "So, what has brought you back to heaven?" He asked, eager to move on from our sister. It was always a sore spot. I wasn't around yet when our sister went crazy. All I knew was that she butchered a bunch of angels and humans, and Gabriel himself had to personally intervene to finally bring her down. But even then, she gave the archangel a run for his money, almost defeating him. I didn't know any other details as no one wanted to talk about it, and all the written records were destroyed. In time, I learned not to bother asking more. "I'm here to see Zachariah," I answered my brother. "Ah, he's up at the tower. It would be faster to fly," Aniel informed me. I thanked him and bid farewell, promising to visit again soon. I spread my wings and flew in the direction of the aforementioned tower. In a few short minutes, it came into view. Even from a distance, I could see the angelic light that was given off by the creation of mortal vessels for angels.

Heavenly Bodyguard (Male Reader x NewJeans Hanni)Where stories live. Discover now