Prologue: Origins Part 1 (Stoneheart)

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Zane POV

The sound of my alarm clock woke me from my sleep. I groaned and reached for it to shut it off, only to slip and fall flat on my face.

Hello, Floor. Nice to meet you again.

"Zane! Get up!" My mother called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I replied as I got off from the ground, shut off my alarm clock, took a shower and swapped into a light blue Denim Jacket, a black hoodie, white crew-neck t-shirt, black jeans and white sneakers.

"Coming!" I replied as I got off from the ground, shut off my alarm clock, took a shower and swapped into a light blue Denim Jacket, a black hoodie, white crew-neck t-shirt, black jeans and white sneakers

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After breakfast, I waved my mother goodbye and made my way to school.

As I walked down the street until I a glimpse of a man yelling at on old man with a cane on the sidewalk!

"It's my quarter you old fart! How dare you steal it?" The man snatched the quarter away from the elderly man.

"B-But sir, I was going to return it to you!" The old man protested.

The man scoffed. He had on an expensive red suit and greasy black hair with brown eyes. "Yeah right! You were probably gonna keep it for yourself you bum!"

"Hey! That's enough!" I shouted as I intervene between the two.

"Beat it kid!" The greasy man snapped. "This is between me and him!"

I balled my fists in anger, flashbacking to the time when the Brown Family wanted me arrested for beating up their son, Edward Brown, despite the fact that he was assaulting a student.

 You got lucky, kid. 

I glared at the man. "Listen here, you obnoxious grease monkey. You're going to leave this man alone, or you can use all that money to pay for your hospital bills."

The greasy man's eyes widened in shock before returning to a scowl.

"I'll report you for this, brat!" With that, he stormed off.

"Are you alright, sir?" I asked the old man.

"I am. Thank you, young man. " The old man said. "But, why help me? You seemed to be in a hurry."

"It's what I was taught to do by those around me. If you see someone who needs help and you know you can do something, you do it. It was nice talking to you, but I need to get to school. Have a good day." I crossed the street and made my way to school.

Diana POV

"Diana, are you ready!? We're gonna be late!" Danella called from downstairs.

"Almost done!" I replied as I tugged on a red t-shirt, dark blue jeans and white sneakers.

After fixing my hair, I went downstairs, grabbed my lunch box and left with my sister after saying goodbye to my parents.

As Stella and I made our way to school, I looked to see an old man struggling to get up.

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