Chapter 2 The Other Team's Encounter

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This speaking of the Russians will be in English due to me not knowing Russian, but I'll have the others who don't speak Russian, not know what they are saying because again it's another language.)

4 girls were lying in a forest

Girl 1 starts to get up: "Ow my head."she then rubs her head. She then stops "Wait. I have a head.... and arms?....." she examines herself

She is wearing a Russian uniform with body armor on, and she has a modified AK-19 with the barrel. It looks like a tank... Her tank, to be exact

She saw the name on the barrel it read "Ragnarok" (in Russian)

Girl1: "what the hell is going on!? Why do I have a human body with arms and legs!? ... And hands!?" She yelled, getting up off the ground, then looking around and seeing 3 other people waking up and about to experience the same thing she went through just now.

Girl1: "Who are you all?!"

Girl2 looks shocked to see more than just herself: "I'm T-14 Armada, who are you?" She points to the girl standing above her

Ragnarok: "I'm also T-14 Armada. My crew gave me the name Ragnarok."

Mage: "My crew gave me the name Mage. So who are they?" She then points to the other 2 girls who are now standing up

Trigger: "I'm T-90, my crew names me Trigger."

Golem: "And I'm T-80, Name's Golem."

They all look at each other for a moment before taking a breath before doing a collective sighing

Ragnarok: "So good news is we are all Russians. The bad news is we have no idea where we are."

Mage: "What shall we do then? Should we choose a leader first? You know, so we know who to follow."

Trigger: "Why not T-14."

Both T-14s: "Which one?"

Trigger: "Ah, right, there's 2 of you."

Golem: "How about Ragnarok."

Ragnarok: "Excellent idea. I shall be the leader of this platoon."

Before they could talk anymore, they heard some moving in the bushes behind them and as if they did this every day

They turned towards the noise with their guns aimed at whatever it was

After a moment, a large black bear came out. It had a white mask with red glowing eyes on its face

Ragnarok: "OK. Remember, everyone, don't mess with the wildlife And slowly bac-" she was interrupted by the giant black bear punching her in the face and sending her flying through a tree

Trigger: "Commander!"

Golem: "I'll help the commander you guys kill that bear!" she said, as she started running, though everything around her started to slow down, almost as if it was in slow motion

Golem: 'Get to the commander first them worried about what the hell is going on' she continued to run and in a moment she was at Ragnarok and had just pulled out her medical pack, all of a sudden everything came back into motion


Mage open fired into the black bear killing it with 1 shot going through its head and breaking the tree behind it, and to everyone's amazement they saw the bear fall down and start disintegrating into black dust.

Mage: "What. What the hell was that!? How can a bear just disappear like that!?"

Ragnarok: "God damn it, that hurt. Who knew that breaking a tree with a human body could hurt so much." she ground, slumped against another tree

Golem: "Stay still commander. I'll patch you up."

Ragnarok: "Are you a recovery tank or something Golem?"

Golem: "If you mean medical recovery, then yes, but Trigger is the actual recovery vehicle."

Ragnarok only nodded and started to stand up as Golem helped her up and regrouped with the other 2

Ragnarok: "OK so, kill on sight any bears with black fur and white masks and red eyes, understood." She dressed everyone

Everyone In response nodded

Ragnarok: "Alright then, let's go and find a city or something." she said 'hopefully there's at least someone who can explain all this.' she thought

The 4 tank... humans started walking somewhere, Ragnarok had just chosen a direction, not knowing where they were going

(Cloneunitblank: "Well this is kind of a shorter chapter than I thought I'd put, but hey, if it works, then it works. Let me know what you think. I also want to know how they will react to the citizens of Vale because you know they all speak English and only 2 Russians speak broken English. So yeah, fun.")

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