Chapter 5: Runaway train NATO Agents Terrorist... Again pt2

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Ruby and Catacombs were taken to Roman Torchwick

A guard named Perry approaches Roman

Perry: “Hey boss! Found something you might want to see!”

Roman: “Is it good or bad, Perry? Because let me tell ya, I have had a day.” He said inside a railcar

Perry: “We found some girls.”

Roman then popped his head out from the railcar: “That would be bad.” After seeing Ruby's body and a new girl he had never seen before

Some time passes as Catacombs starts to wake up and sees Ruby get thrown across the floor by a man with a fedora and a cane

Roman laughs: “Wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours.”

Ruby then gets back up and charges at the guy, but the guy side steps and uses his cane agents Ruby's momentum, and she falls to the ground again

Roman laughs again: “Oh man. You know, Perry, I really needed this.”

Catacombs felt the guy release his grip with one hand as Perry gave a thumbs up

Roman walks over to Ruby and aims Melodic Cudgel at her: “But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red?”

Ruby growls and uses her Semblance to escape Roman and start running for an exit.

Roman, looking around, briefly startled: “Whoa!”

That's when Catacombs knocks her helmet agents Perry's face, causing him to stager and release her. She then pulls out her combat knife, which she had hidden and stabs Perry's in the juggler, killing him, then yelling at Ruby

Catacombs: “Run Ruby, I'll hold them off!”

Roman came up behind Catacombs and whacked her across the head with his cane

It felt like a steel pipe had just hit her, and she fell to the ground

Roman points his cane at Catacombs: “I see you got some tricks up your sleeves, but let me make this clear, we're not through with either of you yet.”

Ruby stopped to look back

Catacombs only looks up at the man, noticing that the end of the cane has a crosshairs

Catacombs: ‘Wait, is that a shotgun cane?’ thoughtough

A loud explosion could be heard in the distance, this distracted both of them as they both looked in the direction

They see Ruby turn around to the explosion and continue running in that direction

Roman: “What is going on here!” He said, looking very annoyed

As another explosion is heard and both groups aperd running tords them

Catacombs took this chance to get up and punch the man in the face, sending him flying

She then ran to the guard, who had her weapons, and stabbed him in the gut

The guard fell down in pain, and she quickly picked up her weapons and ran after Ruby

Roman gets back up: “Well don't just stand there. Kill her!” He said as he rubbed the side of his face

Roman and the White Fang members around him open fire on Ruby and Catacombs, which they zig and zag to avoid getting hit

Catacombs: “See ya losers!” She said, running away and laughing

Roman turns angrily to the White Fang member next to him: “Attach this cart and spread the word. We're starting the train.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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