Chapter 4 New City in..... Enemy Territory?

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(Cloneunitblank: "So my schedule has gotten busy, so the chapters won't come as fast, so yeah, I'll be busy for a but, but I'll try and update it when I can.")

It's nighttime now, and the 4 Russian tanks are tired except for Golem, who seems to almost never run out of energy 

Golem: “OK, I think it's about time for a break. And we need some sleep.” She said, looking at everyone

Ragnarok: “No we can keep go-” she trips on the root of a tree and falls face first. “OK. We can take a break.” she said, muffled by the ground

They start collecting firewood and creating a small camp to sleep for the night

They then went to sleep beside a small campfire with Golem and Ragnarok keeping watch.

Ragnarok: “So… what'd you do before coming here?”

Golem: “Not much. I was just with my platoon of T-80's, and next thing I knew, my ammunition rack was hit, and I went up like a frisbee, and then, here. I think I was the first to die in my platoon. What about you?”

Ragnarok: “I was fighting agents, the Americans, they were dog shit compared to us! Took 4 out before being taken out by a missile from their F-22's.” she said with a smug look on her face ‘There's no way I can tell her that I was the first to be taken out by then.’

Golem: “That's impressive. Those American tanks are hard to kill,I remember my crew talking about how horrified they were to see friendly tanks being destroyed by the NATO tanks.” she gave a little clap. ‘She's totally bullshiting me right now.’

Ragnarok: “I doubt we will run into any NATO forces here. Let's just hope we run into friendly forces so we can regroup and attack any NATO forces that come our way with these new weapons.” she said with a little bit of a downcast expression

Golem had the same expression as they stayed like that in silence for quite some time

Golem was the first to break the silence 

Golem: “So what do we do if we run into nato civilians?”

Ragnarok was silent for a moment

Ragnarok: “We kill them.” She blurted out

Golem looks at Ragnarok dumbfounded 

Golem: “I'm not doing that.”

Ragnarok: “Are you questioning my orders?” She looked at Golem with a deadpan expression

Golem: “I'm not questioning it. I'm telling you. I'm not killing civilians.”

Ragnarok: “And what gives you the right to refuse, hmm?” 

Golem: ‘I think I'm starting to understand why nato does not like us Russians.’ she thought to herself. “As a Medic, in a manner of speaking, I'm refusing to kill innocent civilians whether they are from nato, Russia or Ukrainian, or any of the other century's that we're at war with.”

Ragnarok looks back down: “I see.”

The two continued in silence, and at some point in the night, Ragnarok had fallen asleep, leaving Golem alone with her thoughts until the morning light started coming up

Golem woke up the others

Ragnarok continued to lead the group until they came across a city since the sun was still trying to come up. The city was not lively yet

Mage: “it's quiet. Way too quiet. It feels like a ghost town.”

Trigger: “Well it is still early in the morning. Perhaps they have not yet woken up?”

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