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Summary: Dan and Phil fall in love at age 18. Little do they know fate has something planned out for them. (Inspired by 18 by One Direction)
Type: angst
Triggers: mentions of rejection, alcoholism, and depression of some sorts. (Btw in no way do I believe that either of them act like this in real life.)
Word count: 2,271 (what)

Dan's POV

18 years old

"Hi, can I sit here?" A boy asked. I shook my head yes and he pulled out the chair. Flopping down he extended his hand to me. "I'm Phil." I took his hand and shook it. "I'm Dan."

A few months later they were lying in my dorm. "Hey Dan?" Phil whispers. "Yeah?" I reply. "I think I'm in love with you." Phil sighed. I smiled and settled back into my bed. "Me too."

19 years old

"Dan I'm heading out!" Phil called from their living room. "Before you leave, do you think it was stupid to quit UNI?" I yelled back. Phil walked into the room. "No, because now we're happy."

I smiled a bit and focused back on my laptop. Phil hesitated a moment and swooped in to peck me on the lips. My eyes widened in surprise as he pulled away. Phil's face was a mixture of worry and happiness. I quickly made my decision and pulled him in again.

20 years old

Me and Phil were laying in bed. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He replied. Something in his voice was different this time. "Phil, will you marry me someday?" I asked. He seemed to think for a second and then said. "Yes."

I cuddled into his chest and he lazily wrapped an arm around me. "Let's get married." I sighed. "Okay." He agreed.

21 years old.

Weddings are a sad thing. You go and you watch someone else be happy while your left to be lonely. I had gotten all suited up, I had walked down the isle, I had met Phil and he gave me a reassuring smile. We both said I Do and the priest announced. "Does anyone object." I smiled and waited for our wedding to move on.

"I object!" A voice called out. Everyone's head whipped around. A man stood up in a far pew. "Phil! I know that I might not mean more to you than a one night stand but I am in love with you! Please, stay with me!" Phil looked at me, I had tears in my eyes. "Please don't leave." I whispered.

With a sad look and a small sorry Phil sprinted off the stage. I could feel myself breaking down. "Phil!" I screamed. He didn't even turn around.

The reception was dreary. I sat in the corner drinking as much of the free alcohol as I could. People came over to say sorry but I didn't answer their apologies. Phil's mom came over. She hugged me right like if she squeezed tight enough she could fix what her son had done. Tears didn't stop flowing down my face. Soon enough people were leaving. Most people gave me sad looks and apologies. "Stop looking at me!" I screamed. I turned to face the wall but I could still feel all eyes on me.

Phil didn't come home that night, or the next night. He didn't come home at all. I slept in his room and wore his clothes. Every morning I woke up with a hangover worse than the first.

His mom called in frequently to ask if I was okay. She would say that they were always free and would take me in if I needed help. I deleted her texts and messages. Eventually I blocked her all together. I didn't want to tie myself to Phil at all.

22 years old

Phil came back to apologize, he said he was a wimp for leaving me, and that he was sorry but he loved Matthew, his new husband. I cried harder than I have ever cried before. That night was the worst night since he left. Tears flowed down my face as I drank.

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