Chapter 08: Ethan's Gone!

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Sunlight filters through the blinds, casting a warm glow over my room as I slowly rouse from my dreams. My eyes flutter open to the rhythm of my racing heart, and it took a moment for the remnants of my dream to give way to reality. Aiden's face full of desire still teases the edges of my still waking mind, a vivid echo of my dream.

I sigh in resignation as I find my panties cling wetly to me. A tangible reminder of my steamy dream. Recalling it leaves me not only needy and aroused, but shaken by the undeniable truth it reveals: the passion Aiden arouses in me is as vast as the sky.

Driven by the uncomfortable feel of my panties, I throw off my comforter, roll off of the damp sheets, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I remove the damp sheets from the bed and set them by the door, and then walk into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I strip and drop them into the hamper and step under the hot spray as the water cascades over me, slowly relaxing my tense muscles.

After I've washed myself and my hair, I dry off. Then I grab the hair dryer and brush to dry and brush my hair, my mind elsewhere as I stare at my reflection. My thoughts are about what last night's dream could potentially signify. Once my hair is dry, I quickly put it up in a ponytail and make my way over to the dresser. After quickly considering what to wear today, I remove a fresh set of red lace lingerie, some red silk short shorts, and matching cropped camisole. It's a simple outfit, but one that says volumes about my newfound freedom to dress how I've always wanted.

After I dress, I pick up my phone and the damp sheets. Descending the stairs with the sheets, I make my way to the laundry room, I pause at the kitchen table and set down my phone, then continue on my way. I place them in the washer, add detergent, and start it. Exiting the laundry room and into the kitchen, I pick up the phone and my fingers almost dance as I type out a text to Aiden. 'Good morning, I love you.'

The message is as simple as it is profound. Both lighter than air and yet, as deep as an ocean. Smiling, I set down my phone to prepare breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and buttered toast with jam. It's simple fare, yet a delicious and filling meal. As I'm eating, my phone chimes, announcing a text. Looking over at the phone, Melanie's name is on the screen. Opening the message app, she wrote, 'Hey Ethan. Been a few days since we've gotten together, so I'm on my way. See you soon.'

My breakfast, which I'd been slowly enjoying, is quickly devoured and I clean up my mess in the kitchen. I barely finish before the doorbell rings. Smiling happily, I trot to the door and almost yank it open, and there stands Melanie.

I've known Melanie Rodriguez for almost as long as I've known Aiden, and she is one of my closest friends. She has always been a supportive presence in my life, always willing to stand up for me. She has long brunette hair, warm brown eyes, and a bubbly personality. She tends to be very blunt, but everyone has always said she's beautiful and I agree with them.

I'm surprised to see her frown and demand, "Who're you?"

Shocked at her vehemence, it takes me a second to gather my wits enough to reply, "Oh... that's right. I hadn't told you. I'm Ethan, or I should say, I used to be." I pause and take a breath before adding, "I'm Emily now,"

Her eyes narrow and she looks confused as she asks, "Ethan?"

As I look at her, I think, 'Okay, this is going to take a bit of explaining.' I take a step back and motion, "Can I explain inside?"

Her expression shifts from confusion to concern as she says, "Yeah, sure." She steps inside and I close the door behind us. Leading her to the living room, we take a seat on the couch.

As she stares at me, she again asks, "Ethan?"

I look at the ceiling and blow out my breath. 'Dummy, you should have already told her. Then this wouldn't be happening.' "No, Melanie. I'm Emily. Please try to remember that... So, how to explain? I told you how I've always been in love with Aiden but just didn't have the courage to tell him?" She nods, still looking at me suspiciously. I shrug and continue, "I finally did and he rejected me, but he also said he'd wished I was a girl because that would've been perfect."

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