Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

So, I'm kind of just writing as I go. Also, Vic isn't going to be struggling in this story, it was just Crisis One possibly being done that she was upset about. I already have her struggling in one other, possibly two, stories, don't want her hurting in all of them.

Carina stepped closer to Andy. "Andy, eat the orange." Carina practically ordered. "We can talk more later. Andy sighed, grabbed the orange, and peeled it. She stared at it, not wanting to eat. She felt overwhelmed with the two women trying to help her and overwhelmed from knowing she actually did it, she just pissed away her dream job. She felt the coffee she had this morning coming back up and she quickly threw the Orange to Maya and ran to where a garbage can was in the turnout room and just threw up.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Andy was repeating in her head over and over again. Fuck! What the fuck have I done. Andy finished throwing up and then fell to the floor, not being able to hold up her weight. Andy, once again, brought her knees up to under her chin and just buried her head into her knees. She faintly felt someone's hand running up and down her back, helping her to get her breathing back to normal when she felt a water bottle being put in her hand. "Drink" Andy heard someone say. She looked up, head swimming but she took the cap off of the bottle and began to drink some of the water slowly.

She took some time to compose herself before looking up at the couple. When she did, she saw the worry that was clear in their eyes and felt bad. I don't need them worrying about me. Andy thought. She had burdened the station enough with her problems.

"Andy," Carina started but Maya stopped her.

"Andy, you need to finish that water, then eat this orange and depending on how you feel after, you may need to talk to Farris about you going home."

Andy wanted to fight. She wanted to tell Maya she was fine but with her confession of not knowing when she last ate and her throwing up at the thought of food showed them that she wasn't okay. Andy sighed and nodded. Maya gave her half of the orange to start with and once Andy got through that Maya gave her the second half and watched as Andy finished the water. It felt stupid. Needing a babysitter to watch her eat and drink. Her dad would be so ashamed. Andy looked back down.

Maya and Carina looked at each other, talking in hushed tones. "I'll take Andy to a bunk, get her to sleep some maybe and then we'll see how she feels," Maya told Carina and she nodded.

"Let me know if you or she needs any help through the day please?" Carina looked at Andy. "Just seeing her like this..." Maya nodded, Carina didn't need to say anything else, she was also thinking about how sad this was too. "I'll let you know when I get to the hospital and I'll call you in a few hours," Carina told her, kissed her, and left Maya to take care of her best friend.

Maya sighed and looked at Andy. "Andy," Maya called, and she watched as Andy looked up. "Let's get you into a bunk, okay? I'm sure you could use some sleep." Maya saw Andy's mouth open and thought she was going to fight her, but she just nodded instead and followed Maya, just hoping she wouldn't run into anyone on the way.

Just as Andy was hoping that Vic came out of a bunk room, running into her, literally.

"Whoa, sorry Andy," Vic said, grabbing Andy's arm, helping her to not fall over. Andy just looked down, not replying, and walked past Vic and into a bunk room. Vic looked at Maya confused. "What the heck is going on around here?" Vic asked, turning to Maya. "Is she okay?"

Maya smiled sadly and shook her head. "Right now, no. Hoping she will be though."

Vic looked towards the closed door and sighed. "Is there something she's not telling us about why she got demoted?" Vic asked, worry clear in her eyes. As much as Maya wanted to tell someone she knew that if anyone, but Andy told Vic that it would be bad.

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