Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Amelia nodded and walked back in. Maya looked at Carina, tears pooling in her eyes and Carina pulled her into a hug. Carina sighed into it, her worry for Andy coming to the surface too. She was scared for her and just hoped this was nothing serious.

Maya and Carina had been sitting there for 10 minutes when they saw members of 19 start pouring into the waiting room. Carina looked at Maya and saw that she was staring at them too but made no signs of getting up.

"Maya." Carina tried to get her wife's attention. "Maya!" Carina tried, louder.

Maya turned to face Carina. "Ya?"

"She's going to be, okay. Alright. There's no way she won't be." Carina tried to assure her, squeezing her hand.

"She already isn't " okay" She's falling apart," Maya told her wife, putting her head into her knees that had been brought up to her chin. Maya lowered her voice, "Carina, she gave up captain and now she possibly has a health problem? This isn't boding well for her." Carina looked forward while running a hand through her hair. She knew that Maya was struggling with seeing her best friend so broken and she knew that Maya was right. Andy was going through so much and she hated seeing the now-former captain of 19, having so much trouble.

Maya and Carina were lost in their thoughts when Vic came into the room. She and Travis were the last ones to come in.

Vic saw Maya and Carina on the floor and rushed over to them.

"Is there any update?" Vic asked, concern clear on her face. Travis was behind her, running a hand up and down her back. "What even happened?"

Carina stood up and shook her head. "No, not yet at least," Carina told the pair and Vic's frown grew. "Dr. Shepherd said they don't know what's wrong with Andy so they're running every test they can right now." Carina watched Vic nod and Travis led them over to some seats.


Everyone was lost in their thoughts when Amelia came into the waiting room. She noticed that no one looked up so she cleared her throat and all of 19 looked up and ran over. Amelia put her hands up, trying to stop them from all questioning her at once.

"Before I say anything I need to talk to her emergency contact." Amelia looked at Maya and Carina. "Maya, can I talk to you?" Maya looked up, surprised. She knew that Andy had made her her emergency contact after the divorce with Robert but she didn't know Andy hadn't changed it.

Maya got up and walked with Amelia until they were out of earshot, Carina following since she didn't want to leave Maya alone, which Amelia seemed to be okay with.

"So?" Maya asked, "Do the tests show anything?" Maya asked, reaching for Carina's hand.

Amelia shook her head. "No, they don't."

Carina knitted her eyebrows together while Maya ran a hand over her hair. "So then what happens now?"

"We wait until Andy wakes up. We know it's nothing serious so far."

Maya looked confused and then realization crossed her face, Amelia noticing.

"What's going on in that head of yours, Bishop?" Amelia asked, curious as to what Maya was thinking.

"Stress. Could stress have caused this?"

Amelia thought about it. Andy's heart rate was up, oxygen was a little low. Her tests were all clear. She nodded. "I'd need to talk to her, but possibly," Amelia answered and turned to walk away but hesitated. "I'm gonna go see if she's awake. Do you two want to come back with me?" Maya and Carina were quick to nod and Amelia smiled sadly and led them to the room Andy was currently in.

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