Chapter 23

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We just found out that we are going on a six month tour. We don't want to leave the girls but we don't have a choice. They're going to be sad. They are staying here in our mansion.

End of POV

Prince- We have something to say

The girls smile

Brittany- What?

Prodigy- We have to go on a six month tour starting tomorrow.

All girls- What?!

Taylor- Your going to leave us for six months?

Kira- I don't think I can be away from Prince that long

Chloe- No!

Ray- Y'all can stay here in our house.

The girls all look sad

Brittany- Can we at least send you guys off?

EJ- Of course

The next day at the air port

>>Brittany and EJ

Brittany- I'm tired of being away from you

EJ- Me too. I'm sorry. I love you

Brittany looks away

EJ- Brittany?

She turned to face him and tears filled her eyes

EJ- It's okay baby. I'll be back soon

Brittany- I know. Don't forget to call me. (Cries harder)

EJ- I won't (hugs her)

They kiss slowly

Brittany- EJ?

EJ- Yeah

Brittany- Don't forget to come back to me

EJ- I won't I promise

They kiss one last time

>>Kira and Princeton

Kira- I'm going to miss you.

Prince- I know I'm going to miss you too

Kira- I love you (starts tearing up) (cries into his chest)

Prince- I love you more

>>Chloe and Prodigy

Chloe is crying hard

Prodigy- (wraps his arms around her) It's okay babe I'll be back

Chloe- But six months is a long time

Prodigy- I know

He kisses her

Prodigy- I love you

Chloe- I love you too

>>Taylor and Ray Ray

Ray- I love you baby

Taylor- Love you too

Ray- I swear I'll call you every night

Taylor- Okay good

Ray kisses her


We watched the girls standing there as we walked toward the line to board the plane. They were all in tears. God we didn't want to leave them. We wanted cry seeing them cry.

End of POV

>>With the girls

Brittany- What are we going to do without them?

Taylor- I don't know

Chloe- I miss him

Kira- I hope they're okay

>>With the boys

They got to their first concert location and their hotel.

EJ- I miss Brittany

Prod- I know right. I miss my baby too.

Prince- I miss my honey

Ray- I miss my girl

All- (sigh)

EJ- Six months will go by fast though right?

Prince- Hopefully

Keisha walks in

Keisha- Get dressed boys it's almost time to go!

Ray- Alright

Keisha- What's with the long faces?

Prod- We miss our girls

Keisha- Awww it's okay you'll see them in six months

EJ- That's a long time!

Keisha- Well I'm sorry. Now let's go! Chop chop! (Leaves the room)

EJ- Man this is the second time I've been away from her!

Ray- (giggles)

EJ- (gives him a dirty look)

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