A... Reunion?

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Byakuya... hadn't expected that Sayaka would come back with a new pokémon of all things. Especially not one that basically had a personality opposite of the girl. While Sayaka was just so stupidly happy and energetic, Sewaddle was a shivering mess. The bug looked more like it would belong to Chihiro, with how annoyingly shy the two were.

That didn't mean Byakuya didn't like the little bug- if anything, he found her to be better than Sayaka's other pokémon, Popplio. The seal was quite loud at times. And quite loud meant way too loud for Byakuya.

And it helped that Larvesta also liked Sewaddle good enough. It seemed like she enjoyed having another bug type with her, especially one that was quite a bit smaller than herself.

So, the new addition wasn't bad. Unfortunately, it had made Sayaka in an even better mood than before, which meant that Byakuya had to deal with her annoying happiness much more. That made Chihiro at least a bit better than her- he was at least quiet. Even if his stuttering was annoying too.

It wasn't as if Byakuya hated either of them, they were just annoying, as many commoners were. But that could still change- Byakuya wasn't planning to spend months with people he found annoying, after all. He just had to try to remove that annoyingness from them, something easier said than done.

But he was getting off track. After having to stay in this wreck of a town for a few days, it was time to leave. Snorlax wasn't blocking their way anymore, after all.

Which meant that they could now go to Route 8 and enter Ambrette Town- which was much nicer than Camphrier Town. It was quite a bit well known, mostly for its aquarium and fossil museum. Especially that latter one was quite well known.

Not to mention that it could be something actually interesting. Byakuya didn't care much about the aquarium- though both Sayaka and Chihiro might- but the fossil museum could end up being very interesting. Especially if they actually managed to revive some fossils- Byakuya vaguely remembers his father funding that specific project a while back.

That would be quite the sight to see, and if the fossils were actually revived, he wouldn't want to miss it. Though, Larvesta probably wouldn't like it much- she is not a fan of rocks at all.

She might even want to go into her pokéball, which she rarely does.

But that's all for later. They first had to actually make it to the town and then they would plan what they were going to do. Byakuya couldn't for sure know what happened on the way to there, after all.

But he'll face any problems when they arise. For now, no problems had arisen and they could leave the bare town without any problems.

Most of their pokémon immediately went to explore the new area, though both Byakuya's Eevee and Sayaka's Sewaddle stayed with their trainers. Byakuya didn't mind though- Eevee wasn't happy. And it seemed like it was the same for Sayaka.

Route 8 wasn't anything special compared to any of the other routes they had seen so far. Just the usual tall grass, wild pokémon and other trainers. Who also had pokémon. And one of those just bumped into him. And that made him trip.

Sayaka seemed to gasp behind him, but he didn't focus on that.

Byakuya just barely managed to catch himself before he hit the ground entirely. His suit was covered in slight specks of dirt.


How that even happened, Byakuya wasn't sure. Because it was a Mudkip. Which was even slower than Larvesta.

But... there was something different about this Mudkip. Because it wasn't the usual blue.


It was this light pinkish purple instead. This Mudkip was shiny.

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