Heart Light

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Severus & Female Reader (Y/N = Your Name)

Our beloved Half-Blood Price still has to deal with a lot of trauma from his past and nothing does comfort and heal him more than your loving presence.❣️

Note: No sexual content, but some nudity.


His heart was racing. Feeling that stingy, steady pain in his chest again. It was one of those days when it was all too much and when the demons from his past would haunt him down without any mercy. Memories cruelly creeping up from the depths of his psyche, flashbacks raging in his mind and gripping him tight in a stranglehold until he felt like slowly suffocating.

With long, brisk strides Severus Snape crossed the corridors of Hogwarts, clenching his jaw and looking so menacing that not even that pest of a poltergeist - Peeves - dared to make his usual silly comments and follies as he passed by.

When Severus woke up in the morning, he could sense it was going to be one of those unbearable, agonizing days. He could feel it, this unmistakable, uncomfortable tug in his solar plexus and it would take every pitiful ounce of his energy to get his workday through and to keep his composure.

Now, all his heart and body longed for was you.

You, with all that abundant love in your eyes - love meant for him.

You, with your soothing, gentle presence.

You, with your tender, healing touch.

Finding solace in your loving arms.

He would probably never fully comprehend why in the world you gave your heart to him of all people, but he eventually allowed himself to accept your precious gift. To experience this marvelous, new sensation of genuine, reciprocated love.

For Severus loved you more than anything in this universe.

You came into his life creating a sensitive rupture to his lonely, hardened heart. Quite painful at first - but slowly, with time and patience, Severus was able to break open his encrusted heart-shell more and more to reveal the light within. A light and a love of unmatched beauty, raw and pure.

And here he was, standing in front of your door, somewhat out of breath and for a moment he had to lean against the wall.

You instantly recognized the soft knock at your door, you knew him so well and you immediately rushed to let him into your room. As soon as you opened for him, he practically fell right into your arms, and you gently pulled him in.

You already knew what was coming. His body language, the slight tremble and the troubled expression on his face when you opened the door made his mental state more than clear to you.

For a few minutes you two were just standing in the middle of the room holding each other. Severus had his face buried into the crook of your neck and from time to time you felt his stringy body heavily quivering, accompanied by quiet little sobs.

You didn't ask any questions, you experienced this kind of situation with him before. You've been there.

The war was over, yes, but Severus still had to deal with a lot of unresolved trauma, with guilt and with deep wounds.

While he was so skilled to keep up an impenetrable, austere façade for others - all snark and pretending to be cool, calm, and collected - with you, he changed into a very different kind of person: He would let down his cold, heavy guard, allowing himself to be vulnerable, to feel. Because underneath his snarky surface, an ocean of repressed emotions was seething.

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