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Severus Snape X Fem Reader (Reader has a vagina.)

Pure Snape-smut for you 🖤

This time I painted him possessive, obsessive, jealous – actually quite mean.

I was in the mood for an emotional unhinged Slytherin headmaster.

The inspiration for this was, among other things, the "song" Anaconda'mour - a short sequence, less than a minute long. Composed more than 30 years ago by Falco - an Austrian singer with a distinctive sense of humour and considerable Slytherin-vibes.

I borrowed the title and slightly modified it:)

⚡️NSFW, explicit sexual⚡️


The snake's cure
Is only l′amour, for sure

The snake's cure toujours

[Anaconda'Mour, by Falco, 1990]

You stormed outside, all frustration and rage. You couldn't bear him. Right now, you just couldn't bear him anymore. You needed to get some fresh air, because otherwise you felt like you might do or say something you would probably regret later.

Severus and you had an argument again – a really bad one, this time. It started over something petty, like it always did, but it escalated quickly – like it always did. You actually questioned your relationship with the Potions Master. Harsh words had fallen between the two of you and you had never experienced him that way. You watched his pale cheeks turning to a menacingly shade of red and his ink-black eyes were glinting dangerously. He was livid.

It was late in the evening, and you just wanted to be alone now, but before you knew what was happening to you, you felt a tight grip around your wrist – his long, slender fingers clasping around it like a vice. You froze, prepared for the worst. You knew that he could get in an unhinged state of mind pretty easily – from nought to sixty in one second – if things presented themselves in a way that he didn't fancy between the two of you. Or when he had a fit of jealousy.

He was such an emotional man.

You didn't look at him, you kept your eyes fixated on the floor. Finally, you took courage: "Leave me alone, Severus. Let go of my arm, you're hurting me. I want to be alone," you hissed. "To be honest, I wonder, if our relationship makes any sense at all."

You were bracing yourself for a storm, a cascade of threats and sarcastic comments that would tumble down on you.

But things turned out differently.

He spoke, quietly, with a low voice and a cutting tone: "You're not going anywhere, and neither am I, so get over it. We will work this out, we will work everything out in this relationship, whatever problem there is. Now come to bed."


You gasped. You actually wanted to slap him in the face. And yet, at the same time, you felt a strange spark of arousal glowing up inside you. Now come to bed.

His last words were lingering on your mind.

But Severus already pulled you roughly to him and with long strides he briskly made his way to the stairs and down to the dungeons, pulling you with him. It almost felt like you two were flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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