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🌹Severus X Lucius

I was playing around with the idea of 'what if'...

What if Lucius Malfoy would fall for Severus? The moment when Lucius realized that he feels so much more for Severus than just friendship?

And how would Severus react?

Find out below:)

🌹Not sexual, but romantic.


It had been stormy that evening. The winds of the west were raging, bringing with them an unusual warmth for January, and a gloomy sky with leaden clouds that flooded the land with their rain. The atmosphere was strange, with melancholy in the air - and something else that was difficult to grasp, something oddly promising. It seeped slowly into the ground, through the brickwork of the houses and, if you were not paying attention for a moment, into your own soul.

The great stately building, thickly tangled in ivy, was enthroned on its hilltop, shrouded in the darkness of a moonless night. Upstairs, in the comfortable salon, all velvet and brocade, a blond, tall man listened to the rain lashing against the panes of the window and his smoky gray eyes rested on the dark figure in front of him - a surprise visitor at nighttime.

"Thank you, Lucius. And please forgive me for attacking you with my spontaneous visit. It's just... I kind of didn't want to be alone tonight..." The dark visitor spoke in a low, velvety voice. A pair of inky black eyes.

The blond man rose from his chaiselongue, a warm smile spreading across his handsome face. With feather-light steps he strode towards the ink-eyes.

"Severus!" the blond landlord greeted his guest, "Please, there is nothing to forgive, you are always welcome. This is practically your home, you know that - make yourself comfortable."

Lucius Malfoy, as the host was called, looked down on a small, skinny creature, a being with huge, round eyes and large, bat-like ears. A house elf and servant - waiting for a command from his master - who had stood silently the whole time next to Severus Snape, the late-night guest.

"Widget, take Severus' cloak off and then bring something to drink - the elf-wine maybe, yes wine is good, and fire whiskey - no ice." The elf silently followed the order and disappeared again, into the depths of the house.

Lucius' gaze returned to Severus. "Of course, if you'd like something else to drink...I just's always been your favorite..."

"Fire whiskey is perfect, thank you. You are a wonderful host, Lucius," Severus replied, smiling. Freed from the heavy, rain-soaked cloak, one could now catch a glimpse at his appearance. Severus was tall, as was his friend. But while Lucius' physique indicated athletic health, Severus was strikingly slim. He seemed gaunt, downright scrawny and sinewy. He had a defiant resilience about him that could also be seen in trees exposed to the elements on wide open fields.

Lucius led his visit to a large, inviting armchair and Severus gratefully settled into it. A few raindrops still sparkled in his raven black hair, which fell to his shoulders and which, if you looked more closely, showed a few first gray strands.

The two men gave a visual contrast like the sun and the moon. Severus with strikingly pale, sallow skin, dark hair, deep-set inky black eyes, and serious, almost haggard features.

Lucius, on the other hand, with stunningly light, silvery blonde hair, flowing silkily down his back. His skin was fair, too, but with a vibrant, healthy glow. An even face, finely chiseled features, as if sculpted by an artist, but with a certain severity and coolness. There was something about Lucius of a punishing angel, guarding the gates of paradise with a flaming sword. Except when he smiled. Then, Lucius became a different kind of angel: Then, his chiseled ivory cheeks would reveal dimples and sparkling stars would emerge from the smoky gray of his eyes, enveloping everything and everyone within their radius with an irresistible, gentle kindness.

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