Chapter 6: Team Meeting

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Chapter 6: Team Meeting

Back in the human world

Kenny wakes up. Thinking that Ace was taken by a Mew was a dream.

Kenny: - Oh god. Ace!

Kenny looks at a picture of him and Ace on his nightstand.

Kenny: - Wow, that was one crazy dream.

Kenny takes his phone and checks the messages in the football group chat.

Kenny: - Maybe that wasn't a dream considering how many messages are in this group chat.

Kenny goes through the messages and sees how the team sees him as Ace's best friend.

Did you guys hear that Ace just vanished yesterday after school?

Ya, I did. But how did it happen?

Well, you guys should ask Kenny about that.

Kenny? Why him?

What did Kenny do?

Well Kenny was the last person to be seen with Ace.

Why would Kenny do that?

My guess is that he was tired of not being the star of the football team

Don't tell me you're thinking Kenny kidnapped Ace?

Well, that shows what kind of friend he was to Ace.

I think we should talk to the coach about taking Kenny off the team for doing this.


Who else agrees to this?

Just then Ben messaged

Ben: - You guys need to stop. Kenny is a great player on this team, just like the rest of you. Ace himself was talking about making Kenny vice-captain of the football team. Also, Kenny has been Ace's best friend since they were 5 years old.

Everyone read the message, but no one reply

This made Kenny tear up a little from that message. It did make him feel better from this, then another message popped up, a DM from Mark.

Mark: - Hey Kenny, I've been hearing a lot about Ace disappearing and I want to know what this is about.

Kenny was beginning to dm mark that he knows nothing of it, but before he could hit send, he stopped himself, looking over at the picture of Ace and him hanging out together in his room, he looked at it for a little while before he thought to himself, shaking his head

Kenny: - (Sorry Ace, but I really can't keep this secret to myself any longer)

Kenny then removed the text that he wrote then added in something else instead

Kenny: - Meet me at the park where we used to play with Ace. I'll talk about it more there.

Kenny then turned off his phone and got himself ready to go outside. Putting on his favorite T-Shirt and some shorts before heading outside, but just as he was about to step out the door

???: - Kenny!

Kenny turned around to see who called him, it was his mother, Mrs. Adams, who called for him

Mrs. Adams: - Kenny dear, why haven't you told me anything about Ace and what happened to him? You know how much I worry if you're keeping too many secrets from me.

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