[13] wounded

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13. Wounded

"this isn't normal

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"this isn't normal. this isn't the way normal people live."

"I NEED A HOE." Dani mumbled to herself.

"What in the shit?" Abe bellowed behind her, making her jump.

"A garden hoe, Abe. For the weeds. Don't even start."

"Oh." He pressed his lips together, his moustache twitching. "You should be more clear on that."

She huffed a laugh as she dropped her things, wiping her dirty hands on the front of her jeans. "Busy today?" She asked, squinting and raising a hand to protect her eyes against the sun.

"Not really. Little construction here and there." He shrugged, his thumbs tucked under his belt as he assessed the area. She'd noticed he did that a lot. Always aware of his surroundings. A habit from his Sergeant days, she assumed.

As he headed off in another direction, Dani noticed the community leaders making their way around the perimeter. Her curiosity always winning the battle, she headed over catching the end of Rick's sentence.

"...signs that anyone climbed in from outside."

"Is that something we should worry about?" Dani tilted her head at the four of them, Rick sending her a soft smile with a shake of his head.

"You can move right up the supports." He told Deanna. "That's what I'd do. People are the real threat now." Dani nodded at his side.

"Rick, I know you think that we should all be armed within the walls. I... I can't do that." She said, her voice low.

"That's fine. You make these changes, we won't need to."

"Excuse me." Sasha called out as she approached. Dani smiled at her, which she weakly returned before glancing at the others. "I want to volunteer to be one of the lookouts in the clock tower."

"There are no lookouts in the clock tower." Deanna corrected.

"What?" Rick snapped.

"We saw someone up there earlier." Michonne furrowed her brows.

"That was an empty rifle my son, Spencer, put up there."

"Spencer?" Dani scrunched her nose. "There's another Aiden?"

"Yeah, he mans it sometimes, but not often." She explained, as Rick sighed. "Look, there hasn't been the need."

"We need a lookout in that tower right now, 24/7." Rick demanded.

"It's the only way we'll be able to see if someone's coming at us." Dani appreciated the underlining softness in Michonne's words. Her and Rick were a good team. They balanced each other out.

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