[14] for the better

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14. For The Better

"sometimes we lose people because we overlove them

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"sometimes we lose people because we overlove them."

DANI HADN'T SLEPT. AGAIN. After everything, she thought maybe it would've gotten a little easier. That maybe now she wasn't the leading cause for those around her to get hurt. That she didn't just cause more issues and she would actually have something good.

But that wasn't happening.

The uncomfortable ache in her thigh was enough to prove the point that she caused trouble. She might've made an enemy out of a trio she'd never even spoke to before. She was making things uncomfortable with the group, adding more stress to Rick- who appeared fragile enough as it is- and then there was the other thing.

The 'Tara thing'.

There was a part of Dani, a loud and unwanted part, reminding her that she did not deserve Tara. Despite how happy she felt in her presence, it was undeserved. Despite how good she wanted to be, just to make sure she was content, it was undeserved. Despite how every single breath she took, she was thinking about Tara, it was undeserved.

It was stupid, unnecessary and just outright frustrating. And yet, incredibly persuasive.

Dropping down on the couch, she ran her hands down her face tiredly, not looking up when the familiar footsteps followed her before stopping beside her. The couch cushion dipped as she sat and her eyes burned holes in the side of her face.

"What?" Dani sighed. Lack of sleep made her irritable.

"You didn't sleep again?" Rosita asked, disappointment in her tone. Not at Dani. Just at the step backwards.


"Oh." She rested her elbows on her knees as she looked back at Dani, watching the breeze from the open door brush her hair out of her face. "So... the party was interesting."

"Was it?"

"Well with the way you were getting close to Tara-"

"That was nothing. I was drunk." She interrupted.

"Really? Because from what I remember you had one glass."

"Yeah well, you weren't looking the whole time. Me and Tara are just friends. It was nothing, okay?" She huffed.

"Okay." Rosita swallowed past the dry spot in her throat, hating this side of her friend. "I'll let you wake up, instead of bombarding you with questions. See you around."

"Later." Dani nodded, watching her leave. Just friends? Bullshit. That was the perfect moment to explain that Tara was so much more than a friend and all she spat out was "it's nothing"?

𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 || The Walking DeadWhere stories live. Discover now