Part 65

142 6 7

Third Person POV

Darkness, that's all it was.

No light, no sound, no movement. She was alone, no one to help, no one to save her, no one to love her. She was on her own.

Chains cascade the wall, the dark brick full of memories of pain and torture continuously haunt the room.

But no one can help her, no one even knows where she is, she doesn't even know where she is.

But how did it happen?


Allison's POV

Todays the day of the wedding, not mine obviously it's Bill and Fleurs. And I'm excited, mostly as this is going to be my first wedding I've ever been to.

Fleurs been trying to make an effort with getting to know the whole Weasley family, and I have to applaud her for it. Molly hates her guts for no reason whatsoever, Ginny dislikes her and calls her phlegm even though Fleurs actually trying to make and effort.

She does say the wrong thing at times, and is open minded but I like it, it's a good personality on her and she's not trying to be someone she's not for them to like her.

Mattheo isn't allowed to attend the wedding, saying that it's too dangerous for everyone there if he's there. And I have quite literally forced Jake to come as he is not leaving me alone at a wedding.

Anyways, my dress is a lovely pale green, that reaches my mid thigh. I have white wedge heels on, and my bracelet that Mattheo gave me, and my necklace that he gave me, and quite literally everything he's given me.

Before I even knew it I was being rushed out of my bedroom by Evelyn into the living room, where Fred, George, Jake, Benjamin and now me and Evelyn stood. "Benji, where's your girlfriend?"

Benjamin turns to look at me, a hint of sadness in his eyes "she isn't coming today, she couldn't make it" I turn to look at Evelyn, Fred and George who all have the same upset look on their face.

Until it hits me. She was killed.

"Benji i am so sorry" I say going to give him a hug, he immediately hugs me back "it's ok, todays about the wedding not that so let's look forward to that"

I give him a nod before pulling away and watching everyone floo away to the burrow.

I have a feeling that Fred and George stayed here the past couple weeks to stay away from Molly as she is in a right state of panic.

The way the order set up the floo system is smart, and I mean very smart. No one can floo to the house from anywhere, you have certain locations that go to the house such as the burrow, 12 grimauld street, Hogwarts (but only Albus' office and when he died the floo connection was broken) and certain Order members.

Only certain people can floo to this house from other houses that don't have access such as me, Jake, Mattheo, and snape. Due to the fact that we are spies for the order.

You cannot apporate into the house from anywhere, you cannot even apperate onto the grounds due to the defence barriers. So apperating out of here is a no go.

If someone stumbled onto the estate they would find an abandoned property with walls folded in on itself, the roof completely collapsed and evidence of a fire.

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