Chapter 4 - Invasion Initiation

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After the song ends, everyone was now at rock bottom, Vaggie was the most furious by all of this, Charlie was the most crushed and broken, Angel Dust was just disgusted, Alastor wasn't really affected, And Niffty was like Charlie but even worse...Everyone was just feeling terrible from all of this now, It was like they all knew the world was going to end soon, And that this was the final point of no return for all of them. Metal Sonic returns to normal from his intimidating pose.

Metal Sonic : "Ahem, well. I expect BOTH of you, demons and exterminators, to retaliate in some way, especially after my big ego stroke."

Charlie looked up, And stared at Metal Sonic again, The tears were still running down her face as she looked up at him. She wasn't even talking about fighting back anymore, She was just in despair now. She felt so defeated by everything he had said, It was like she couldn't even react properly anymore. So, She just stared at him after he had finished. She felt she truly had no chance at all. She was already defeated to her now. Metal Sonic speaks to her in a mocking voice, as he enjoys her sorrow.

Metal Sonic : "Anything you wanna say, PRINCESS Charlie Morningstar?"

Metal Sonic laughs evilly. Charlie was just so lost in despair and tears that she remained silent for a few seconds before trying to speak.

Charlie : "..Y..You don't even understand...What you just said, It was just cruel...Unnecessary..How the hell could you go so far with all of those insults..I..I don't even know what to say, All I can do is say how cruel you were with that..."

Metal Sonic : "I know VERY WELL what I just said. I told you, I'm showing you all JUST HOW I FEEL!"

Charlie : "Well... I mean, That doesn't excuse what you just said about me, And everyone else here."

Metal Sonic : "Sorry that the truth hurts, bitch."

Charlie looked hurt even more when she heard those last words. It was like one final final straw was added on, And the weight of it hit her instantly, Making her finally go silent. Her expression quickly changed again, Now it changed to anger and rage, and now she looked like she was about to respond back finally.

Charlie : "..You know what? FUCK you. FUCK your stupid attitude, FUCK your damn ego-centric ass self, and FUCK your damn self-absorbed bullshit. You are the most idiotic narcissist I have EVER met in my goddamn life! Do you have any idea how much I hate you now..?! Do you..?"

Metal Sonic : "I don't give a fuck!"

Charlie didn't even bother holding back anymore, She was just speaking the full truth now, She hated this damn robot now. Not only that, She was also really angry at how Metal Sonic was acting right now, As if he truly thought he was better then all of them, And that he actually thought he was smart, Even though he was just a machine, she was pissed at him and wanted to say everything she felt, And not hold back a single thought. However, Metal Sonic interrupts her before she can say anymore.

Metal Sonic : "You know what? I think it's about time I get this show on the road and have some fun."

He turns back to his Heavy Gunners.

Metal Sonic : "Invade. Do whatever the hell you want here. Give them an attack WORSE than what them exterminators have ever done."

Charlie immediately turned her head to look at the Heavy Gunners, Looking at Metal Sonic one last time before getting angry again, But now even more terrified then before.

The song 'Hi Spec Robo' Go starts playing as the group of Heavy Gunners near Metal Sonic, as well as the ones currently hovering in the sky, in the space station, and in the city, all start attacking hell, most focusing in on the hotel, and firing missiles out of their handheld missile launchers. The others in the group were looking up into the sky as they saw everything being attacked, They couldn't believe what was even happening, This was the worse attack they had ever seen. Even the exterminators were looking into the sky as they saw this, All of them were surprised as well, The only difference was that they actually looked a bit more worried about it since their job was being put on the line now. But, Overall, Both sides were shocked and surprised about this situation.

A few seconds after the Heavy Gunners began attacking, Vaggie and Angel Dust decided to get up and attempt to stop this attack. The only question now was if they would be successful or not. Vaggie and Angel Dust looked up, They knew that just two of them weren't enough to stop this entire attack, However, They were still going to attempt to try and stop some of it. Even if they couldn't destroy every single robot, Maybe they could slow the attack down..? Just give the other demons a few more seconds to run..? That was all they needed, Just a few more seconds. Metal Sonic has a cocky and devious expression as he turns towards Adam and Lute.

Metal Sonic : "Maybe I'll even invade HEAVEN TOO!"

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