Chapter 11 - The Final Fall

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After the dust of the impact clears, Metal Sonic and Charlie slowly arise, both heavily damaged from the impact and attacks. Metal Sonic is not only furious over why the battle has gone this long, but also why he's been able to be truly hurt by her attacks. He stands back up fully, and is prepared to tear Charlie to shreds.

Metal Sonic : "WHY....WONT....YOU.....JUST....DIE..........."

Charlie was on one knee in front of him, Still exhausted and tired after all of that. But she didn't plan on dying, Not yet at least. She looked at Metal Sonic through her tired vision, Her eyes narrowed with a determined glare.


She said as she stood up, Though her legs were still wobbly and she was clearly still exhausted. Metal Sonic started flying towards her, though slower due to his jet turbine back being damaged. Charlie would raise her fists, Knowing full well that she would still have to fight despite how exhausted her body was at this point. Though she was going to continue until she either succeeded in beating him, Or until she couldn't go any longer. They both started trading fast blows with each other in the center of the roof, slowly increasing in speed with each attack. Charlie would manage to give Metal Sonic a big hit that would send him back a small bit, Though he would still manage to keep going. He attempted to go on the offensive again quickly in order to not give her any openings to retaliate. Metal sonic rips Vaggie's spear away from Charlie and breaks it so that it was unusable. Charlie is infuriated as that was one of the only things she had that Vaggie had owned before Metal Sonic took her life. She would growl angrily and would prepare herself for what would be the final moments, The final strike to end all strikes. Without any more weapons or defenses at her disposal, There was little she could do except for rely on herself alone. They both blast towards each other, about to trade even heavier hitting blows, when suddenly, they both stop.

The music stops as well.

Both of them stop as they start hearing loud cracking sounds, as if something was attempting to break something. They didn't immediately realize it, But the structure they were on was beginning to collapse in on itself, And it wasn't going to hold very much longer. The roof they were standing on started to crack and collapse, And as it came tumbling down it had left a massive hole in the middle of it, With the rest of it beginning to plummet towards the ground below.

The two of them managed to fly above the massive hole as it dropped, barely being able to hold themselves in place due to their damaged means of flight, looking down at the massive crater left in the middle from what had once been there. The two of them could hear the massive crash of the impact below them as the entire structure below them began to tumble and sink into the ground below, leaving behind a massive crater. It was like a massive elevator shaft below them, with the walls of the skyscraper left standing with one giant hole in the center.

Suddenly, Metal Sonic tackles Charlie mid-air as she is distracted when staring down the large hole. The song "Vs. Egg Dragoon" from Sonic Unleashed starts playing. This is the true final battle.

Both of their means of flight would allow them to slow their fall, Though this didn't mean that it was completely slowed down. The damage they both had sustained thus far kept them from being able to control their flight that much any longer. As they both continued falling, The song kept going as the final battle between them played out before them. Metal Sonic would attempt to attack Charlie, As they fought mid-air while continuing to fall. The fight between them was ever more intense as it had been before, once again being fought mid-air. In a situation like this, Both of them would have to take advantage of whatever they could in order to overcome the opponent. Metal Sonic tried to keep Charlie on the defense as they fought, Attempting to keep the pressure on her as they continued their battle through the massive fall.

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