Chapter 5 - Intruder Excluder

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As the defense of the hotel started taking place, Charlie had an idea. Maybe she could get Adam, as well as the exterminators, to join her side as Metal Sonic was planning to attack them as well after this. Charlie decided that it was worth a shot at least to try and convince Adam to be on her side. Even if she knew that they were all enemies, She still knew that he was still a living being, One with intelligence, So perhaps he would listen to her, Perhaps they could try and find a compromise. It was something she wanted to attempt doing, So, She decided to head over to Adam, Hoping to speak to him. Charlie finds a small area in which the Heavy Gunners aren't focused in on, and speaks to him.

Charlie : "Adam, can you hear me out real quick?"

Adam : "What do you want?"

Charlie : "Look..I know that you know what's going on right now, We're under attack by Metal Sonic and his god damn army of  Heavy Gunners."

Adam already has a pretty good idea of what she is attempting to ask of him.

Adam : "Yeah, I do know, So? What do you want from me? You really expect me to help out someone who is the cause of everything bad that's happened in this damn city? You've really lost it if you think I'll join your side."

Charlie : "Look, I know we've had our... Differences in the past. And I know you hate me as much as the others do, But I'm going to ask you something, and I want an honest answer."

Adam : "Fuckin'... Fine, Lay it on me, What is it you want to ask me?"

Charlie: "If you DID help out, You wouldn't only be helping out me, But you'd also be helping this entire hotel stay up, And you'd be helping the demons and sinners inside of it from being exterminated. Not only that, but Metal Sonic DID say that heaven is next, so if you help out now heaven will be safe."

Adam: "You think that you could get me to help out just by giving me some pity speech about heaven potentially being in danger..? Heaven's safety isn't my number one concern, I KNOW the angels higher up can take care of it themselves. Besides, why would I even WANT to help out the sinners in this damn place?! They deserve to be exterminated."

Charlie: "Well for one, Heaven's safety isn't the only reason why I asked you to help out, Plus, Yeah, they are sinners, But, Can't they be redeemed? Don't all sinners deserve a second chance? That's the whole point of the hotel, Isn't it? To reform sinners into better people."

Adam : "Redemption? I already told you bitch, that's bullshit!"

Charlie sighed after listening to those words come from Adam's mouth. This seemed like an uphill battle to her, She was pretty much dealing with someone who absolutely refused to listen to her. But, She wasn't gonna give up yet on convincing him. The Heavy Gunners begin to focus in on the exterminators as well and shoot at them. The main group is also struggling in defending the hotel, and themselves, against the assault.

As the exterminators are attacked head-on, Adam is finally convinced to help out and get them to focus in on the Heavy Gunners rather than the demons. Charlie could tell that the fight was becoming much more intense now. And as much as she wanted to stay and watch, She would eventually have to join in. She sees Vaggie starting to become overwhelmed by some Heavy Gunners, which causes her heart to sink in fear. Charlie quickly runs over to help Vaggie, Trying to back the Heavy Gunner away from her and help her fight against it. Vaggie also turned her head over to see Charlie trying to help, And she instantly got a smile on her face at seeing her.

A Heavy Gunner fires a missile straight at Charlie, and she responds by immediately moving out of the way of the missile after seeing it fired off, Almost like something told her where the missile was heading. She wasn't going to get hit by that any time soon. Vaggie notices this, She seems to be somewhat impressed by it as she just looked over at Charlie in awe. Charlie would quickly step in to fire a bolt of hellfire at the Heavy Gunner from her hand, Hoping that it would hit the right spot on the robot. She hoped it would work. It could've ended up not doing a damn thing and all. But it seemed worth a shot to her.

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