Chapter 12 - New World Upon the Horizon

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Eventually, Time would tick on, And Metal Sonic would slam onto the ground below, Breaking through the cloud and kicking up a large amount of dust and a small amount of rubble as well. By now, the walls of the skyscraper have crumbled and Metal Sonic and Charlie are now within the circle of rubble. Charlie herself would slowly float down using her still present and damaged flame wings, With her movements seeming a whole lot more strained after the intense fight. Her flame wings would still burn, Though slightly dimmer than before, But the fight had clearly damaged them to an extent. Her movements were slow and weak as she finally started reaching the ground, As she came in much much later than Metal Sonic, Seeming quite exhausted from the fight. Metal Sonic, laying heavily damaged on his stomach on the ground, reverts back into his normal form from his Vantablack form. Charlie couldn't immediately tell if he was alive, Or had died as a result of the intense fight. All that she knew was that she had finally made it down to the ground.

Metal Sonic looks up at her while laying on the ground. He speaks in a deep robotic and glitchy  voice.

Metal Sonic : "N-n-no....."

As she made it down to the ground, She would see Metal Sonic looking up at her while laying on the ground. His voice was also in a highly robotic and glitchy text to speech voice. He seemed to be saying the word, "No..." but she was unsure exactly what this meant. Was he referring to his own loss? Or was it something else entirely that he was referring to?

Metal Sonic : "H-how......ho-o-ow did-id you wi-in......."

Metal Sonic would begin to speak again, His words coming out as a bit garbled and glitchy. Yet, It became more understandable once the second part of his speech started. He seemed confused at how he had lost, Asking Charlie how she managed to win the fight that they had had. His voice was also full of confusion and disbelief, As he couldn't understand how she managed to pull it off.

Metal Sonic : "HO-OW COU-OUL-OUL-OULD Y-YOU DEFEAT M-ME.................."

Metal Sonic would continue to speak to her, And his voice seemed to sound even more robotic and glitchy than it had in his previous pieces of dialogue. His confusion and disbelief had turned into outright anger and rage towards her, As he couldn't accept the idea of how she had managed to beat him.
He couldn't understand how SHE managed to defeat HIM. A demoness, Defeating a powerful robot designed to destroy entire civilizations and other worlds on a regular basis. It was beyond his understanding, And it seemed to enrage him to the extreme. After he had finished his angry outburst and yelling, All Charlie could do was stand there. She was trying to process what had just happened, Whether she had genuinely beaten him or whether it had just been a tie. Neither had won the fight in the final blow, Yet she had made it back to the ground completely uninjured while he was down here damaged and struggling to even communicate. She had to do SOMETHING that allowed her to emerge the winner, She just didn't know what it was...

All Charlie could do was stand there and glare down at him, Holding back from speaking for the time being as her anger took hold over her. She was angry at him for everything that he had done to Hell, Her home, And all of the people within it. She had fought hard over the course of their battle, And it seemed that she had actually come out the winner. She just couldn't wrap her head around how this had happened. Finally, She decided to speak after several more seconds of silence, After the anger in her voice became even more noticeable.

Charlie : "You're asking me how I managed to defeat you, And I truly don't even know the answer to that myself. You had been doing everything in your power just to kill me throughout the entirety of our battle, Yet it was ME who was given the opportunity of victory by the universe. A 'measly' demoness. Defeating a powerful robot like you."

Metal Sonic responds in anger, but also with a last ditch effort to keep his self valued dignity. His voice returns to normal from being glitchy.


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