Chapter 11: Po, Tigress and Zhen Vs The Chameleon

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We See Zhen and Tigress Running Through The Palace Trying To Find The Chameleon and Po.

"Hey Zhen. That Was A Brave Thing You Did. Trying To Protect Po." Says Tigress


"Why Did You Do That?" Asks Tigress

"Well I Was Originally Supposed To Betray Po On His Journey. But On The Way To Juniper City I Started Seeing That He's Nice and Kind. And Always Helps People No Matter What They Are."

"That's Po."

"And I Started Trusting Him and Caring For Him, and When I Brought Him To The Chameleon he Lost Trust In Me. The Chameleon Tried Pretending To Be Me and I Tried To Save Po But She Pushed Him Off The Cliff. And she Revealed That She Didn't Even Care For Me When I Started To Change. And That's How I Got To That."

"You Really Are A Good Friend."

"Yep. What About You and Po? You To Seem To Have A Very Special Bond."

"Well Yeah. We Do. In Fact he's Reason Shifu and I Are At Peace."

"So Are Two Like In Love?"

"Yep. It's Been Like That For A Couple Of Years."

"Do You Two Want Kids?"

"We Have Been Thinking About It. There's One I'd Love To Adopt. She's A Baby Panda."

"That Sounds Nice."

'What Sounds Nice?"

"To Have A Family. To Have Parents. To Have Someone Who Cares For You."

"You've Never Had That?"

"Nope Never."

"Hey. When this Is Over How About Po and I Find You A Family?"

"You Mean It?"


Zhen Then Hugs Tigress

"Thank You."

They Then Hear Po's Voice

"I Believe You Have Something That Belongs To Me."

"Po?" Asks Tigress

"Come On!"

Tigress and Zhen Get To The Edge Of The Roof and See Po Confronting The Chameleon.

"Can't You Even Die Right?" Asks The Chameleon

""Can't You Even Kill Wrong? Nope. Wordplay Didn't Come Toghether. Now About That Staff."

The Chameleon Then Throws The Staff Of Wisdom To Po.

"What?" Asks Zhen and Tigress Shocked.

"Take It. I Already Have Everything I Need From It Anyway. I Think That This Was Destiny. A Final Face Off between formidable Adversaries A Like In So Many Ways." Says The Chameleon

"If Only I Had A Dumpling For Every Time A Villain Told Me How Much We Have In Commen." Says Po

"It's True. We've Both Risen To The Highest Of Hights. It's A Shame Only One Of Us Can come Out On Top."

"It Is A Shame. For You!" Says Po

Zhen Looks And Sees A Cage On The Roof.

"Tigress! Come On!"

Tigress and Zhen Then Run To The Cage But They Still Are Listening To The Conversation Between Po and The Chameleon.

"My Combined Powers Of Sorcery and Kung Fu Make Me Unstoppable And Once I Have Dispense With You I'll Expand My Rule From Juniper City To"

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